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1. Martín-Lorenzo A., Pérez N. M., Melián, Rodríguez F., Padrón E., Asensio-Ramos M., Hernández P. A. and D’Auria L. Soil gas physico-chemical survey for geothermal exploration at Madre del Agua mining domain in the Tenerife NSRZ volcano, Canary Islands. Submitted to Geothermics

2. Asensio-Ramos M. et al. Insights into magma dynamics from daily OP-FTIR gas compositions throughout the 2021 Tajogaite eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands. Submitted to Frontiers in Earth Science.

3. Rodríguez F. et al. Towards rapid integrated data acquisition and management during a volcanic crisis: the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands). Submitted to Volcanica.

4. Przeor M. et al. Independent Component Analysis and Finite element modelling of the 2004-2005 ground deformation unrest in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Submitted to RSE.

5. Vossen C. et al. Explosive eruption style modulates volcanic electrification signals. Submitted to JGR.


1. Asensio-Ramos M:, Melián G. V., Padrón E., Hernández P. A.,  Pérez N. M. and Peraza J. L. (2024). Tracer Gas Method Evaluation for Assessing the Energy Potential of Biogas from Chicken Farms in the Canary Islands. Sustainability 16(10), 4168;

2. Ortega-Ramos V., D’Auria L., Granja-Bruña J.L., Cabrera-Pérez I., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2024). Evidence of a Low-Velocity Zone in the Upper Mantle Beneath Cumbre Vieja Volcano (Canary Islands) Through Receiver Functions Analysis. Geophysical Research Letters,

3. Pérez N.M., Padrón E., Melián G., Hernández P. A., Padilla G., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., D’Auria L. and Calvo D. (2024).  Volcanic soil gas 4He/CO2 ratio: a useful geochemical tool for real-time eruption forecasting. Scientific Reports 14, 7985,

4. Hernández‑Gutiérrez L. E., Rodríguez‑Losada J. A., Cruz‑Pérez N., Rodríguez‑Martín Jand ·Santamarta J. C. (2024). Classifcation of geotechnical units and their associated slope movements for application to civil engineering in volcanic territories. Environmental Earth Sciences, 83:181

5. Zanon V., D’Auria L., Schiavi F., Cyrzan K. and Pankhurst M. J. (2024). Toward a near real-time magma ascent monitoring by combined fluid inclusion barometry and ongoing seismicitySciences Advances, vol. 10,

6. Ericksen J., Fischer T., Fricke G. M., Nowicki S., Pérez, N. M., Hernández, P. A., Padrón E., and Moses M. (2024). Drone CO2 Measurements During the Tajogaite Volcanic Eruption. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 1-17,

7. Sandoval Velasquez A., Casetta F., Ntaflos T., Aiuppa A., Coltorti M., Frezzotti M. L., Alonso M., Padrón E., Pankhurst M., Pérez N. M. and Rizzo A. L. (2024). 2021 Tajogaite eruption records infiltration of crustal fluids within the upper mantle beneath La Palma, Canary Islands. Frontiers in Earth Science, Volume 12, https://doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1303872

8. Przeor M., Castaldo R., D’Auria L., Pepe A., Pepe S., Sagiya T., Solaro G., Tizzani O., Barrancos J. & Pérez N. M. (2024). Geodetic imaging of magma ascent through a bent and twisted dike during the Tajogaite eruption of 2021 (La Palma, Canary Islands). Scientific Reports 14, 212,

9. Biass S., Reyes-Hardy M.P., Gregg C., Di Maio L. S., Dominguez L., Frischknecht C., Bonadonna C. and Pérez N. M. (2024). The spatiotemporal evolution of compound impacts from lava flow and tephra fallout on buildings: lessons from the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Spain). Bulletin of Volcanology, 86, 10 (2024).


1. Reyes-Hardy M.-P., Biass S., Dominguez L., Di Maio L. S., Frischknecht C., Bonadonna C. and Pérez N. M. (2023). Temporal evolution of roof collapse from tephra fallout during the 2021-Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Spain). Frontiers in Earth Science, Volume 11, https://doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1303330.

2. Hernández Gutiérrez L. E. y Povedano Marrugat E. (2023). Asignatura pendiente de la co‑gestión en el geoturismo: Análisis del Geoparque Global de El Hierro. PASOS, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Vol. 21,  Págs. 37-51,

3. Cabrera-Pérez I., Soubestre J., D’Auria L., Przeor M., García R., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Pérez N. M. and Prudencio (2023).Ambient noise tomography of El Hierro island (Canary Islands)Frontiers in Earth Science, Sec. Volcanology Volume 11 – 2023 | https://doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1326634.

4. Burton M., Aiuppa A., Allard P., Asensio-Ramos M., Pardo Cofrades A., La Spina A., Nicholson E. J., Zanon V., Barrancos J., Bitetto M., Hartley M., Romero J. E., Waters E., Stewart A., Hernández P. A., Lages J. P., Padrón E., Wood K., Esse B., Hayer C., Cyrzan K., Rose-Koga E. F., Schiavi F., D’Auria L. & Pérez N.M. (2023). Exceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 467,

5. Dóniz-Páez, J., Becerra-Ramírez, R., Németh, K., Gosálvez, R. U., & Escobar, E. (2023). Geomorfositios de interés geoturístico del volcán monogenético Tajogaite, erupción de 2021 (La Palma, Islas Canarias, España). Geofísica Internacional, 63(1), 729–746.

6. Sandoval-Velasquez  A., Rizzo A. L., Casetta F., Ntaflos  T., Aiuppa A., Alonso M., Padrón E., Pankhurst M., Mundl-Petermeier A., Zanon V. and Pérez N.M. (2023). The noble gas signature of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,

7. Piña-Varas P., Ledo J., Queralt P., Martínez van Dorth D., Marcuello A., Cabrera-Pérez I., D’Auria L. and Martí A.(2023). Volcanic monitoring of the 2021 La Palma eruption using long-period magnetotelluric data. Scientific Reports, 13, 15929.

8. Cabrera-Pérez I., D’Auria L., Soubestre J., Przeor  M., Barrancos  J., García-Hernández  R., Ibáñez J.M., Koulakov I., Martínez van Dorth D., Ortega V., Padilla G., Sagiya T. and Pérez N. M. (2023). Spatio-temporal velocity variations observed during the pre-eruptive episode of La Palma 2021 eruption inferred from ambient noise interferometry. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 12039.

9. Birnbaum J.,  Lev E., Hernández P. A., Barrancos J.,  Padilla G. D.,  Asensio-Ramos M., Calvo D., Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., D’Auria L. and Calvari S. (2023). Temporal variability of explosive activity at Tajoigate Volcano, Cumbre Vieja, 2021 eruption from ground-based infrared photography and videography. Frontiers in Earth Science, https://doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1193436.

10. Wertheim D., Coldwell B., Miyashita L., Gill I., Crust S., Giddens R., Pérez M. M., Petford N. and Grigg J. (2023). Confocal microscopy 3D imaging and bioreactivity of La Palma volcanic ash particles. Science of The Total Environment, vol. 899, 165647,

11. Butcher A. R., Windmill R., Corfe I. J., Lim S., Ester M. Jolis E. M., Lukkari S., Pankhurst M. J., Barbee O. A., Coldwell B. C., Perez N. M., White L. F., Dunford A. and Anand M. (2023). Volcanic ash as a resource for future research on Earth and the Moon. Geology Today, Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 144-148, 

12. Cabrera-Pérez I., Soubestre J., D’Auria L., Barrancos J., Martín-Lorenzo A., Martínez van Dorth D., Padilla G. D., Przeor M. and Pérez N.M. (2023). Geothermal and structural features of La Palma island (Canary Islands) imaged by ambient noise tomography. Scientific Reports 13, 12892,

13. Taddeucci J., Scarlato P., Andronico D., Ricci T., Civico R., Del Bello E.. Spina L., D’Auria L., Asensio-Ramos M., Calvo D., Padrón E., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2023). The explosive activity of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24, e2023GC010946.

14. Bonadonna C., Pistolesi M., Dominguez L., Freret-Lorgeril V., Rossi E., Fries A., Biass S., Voloschina M., Lemus J., Romero J. E., Zanon V., Pastore C., Reyes Hardy Mary-Paz, Di Maio L. S., Gabellini P., Martin-Lorenzo A., Rodríguez F. and Perez N. M. (2023). Tephra sedimentation and grainsize associated with pulsatory activity: the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). Frontiers in Earth Science,

15. Asensio-Ramos M. and D’Orazio G. (2023). Capillary electromigration techniques: application to coffee analysis – A review. Journal of Chromatography Open, 3, 100083,

16. Koulakov I., D’Auria L., Prudenci J., Cabrera-Pérez I., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Pérez M. M., and Ibáñez J. M. (2023).. Local earthquake seismic tomography reveals the link between crustal structure and volcanism in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth,

17. Di Fiore F., Vona A., Scarani A., Giordano G., Romano C., Giordano D., Caricchi L., A. Martin-Lorenzo A., Rodríguez F., Coldwell B., Hernández P. A. and .Pankhurst M. (2023). Experimental Constraints on the Rheology of Lavas From 2021 Cumbre Vieja Eruption (La Palma, Spain). Geophysical Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

18. Aznar M., Sanz-Arranz A., Shkolyar S., Sawyers E. R., Konstantinidis M., Lopez-Reyes G., Veneranda M., Lymer E. A., Freemantle J. R., Daly M. G., Cloutis E. A., Rull-Perez F., Martinez-Frias J. and Lalla E. A. (2023). Raman-IR Spectroscopic, and XRD analysis of selected samples from Fogo Island, Cabo Verde: Implications for ancient Martian volcanology. Advances in Space Research, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

19. Cabrera-Pérez I., Soubestre J., D’Auria L., Martínez van Dorth D., Ledo J., Piña-Varas P., Cervigón-Tomico G., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J. and Pérez N. M. (2023). Ambient noise tomography of Gran Canaria island (Canary Islands) for geothermal exploration. Geothermics, (1st Quartile; Geology).

20. Chaminé H. I., Pires A., Fernandes I., Přikryl R., Tuğrul A., Şebnem Düzgün H. and González de Vallejo L. I. (2023). Engineering geosciences, geotechnics and functional geomaterials: new trends on GIS mapping, geotechnologies and design with geohazards. SN Applied Sciences, 5, 43, (2nd Quartile; Engineering).


1. Przeor M., D’Auria L., Pepe S., Tizzani P. and Cabrera-Pérez I. (2022). Elastic interaction between Mauna Loa and Kīlauea evidenced by independent component analysis. Scientific Reports, 12, 19863, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

2. Bonadonna C., Pistolesi M., Biass S., Voloschina M., Romero J., Coppola D., Folch A., D’Auria L., Martín-Lorenzo A., Domínguez L., Pastore C., Reyes Hardy M. P. and Rodríguez F. (2022). Physical Characterization of Long-Lasting Hybrid Eruptions: The 2021 Tajogaite Eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands). Journal Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

3. Caudron C., Aoki Y., Lecocq T., De Plaen R., Soubestre J., Mordret A., Seydoux L. and Terakawa T. (2022). Hidden pressurized fluids prior to the 2014 phreatic eruption at Mt. Ontake. Nature Communications 13, 6145, (1st Quartile; Physics and Astronomy, miscellaneous).

4. Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Padilla G. D., Baldago M. C., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., Asensio-Ramos M., Alonso M., Arcilla C. and Lagmay A. M. (2022). Diffuse CO2 degassing precursors of the January 2020 eruption of Taal volcano, Philippines. Scientific Reports, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

5. Amonte C., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Hernández P. A. and D’Auria L. (2022). Hydrogeochemical temporal variations related to the recent volcanic eruption at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

6. D’Auria L., Koulakov I., Prudencio J., Cabrera-Pérez I., Ibáñez J., Barrancos J., García-Hernández R., Martínez van Dorth, D., Padilla G. D., Przeor M., Ortega V., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2022). Voluminous Storage and Rapid Magma Ascent Beneath La Palma Revealed by Seismic Tomography. Scientific Reports, 12, 17654, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

7. Alberquilla F., Martínez-Frías J., García-Baonza V. and Lunar R. (2022). LZS-1, Lanzarote (Canary Island, Spain) lunar (Apollo 14) basaltic soil simulant. Scientific Reports 12, 16470, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

8. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Melián G. V., Alonso M., Rodríguez F., Asensio-Ramos M. and D’Auria L. (2022). Early precursory changes in the 3He/4He ratio prior to the 2021 Tajogaite eruption at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands. Geophysical Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

9. Hernández W., Dóniz-Páez J. and Pérez N. M. (2022). Urban Geotourism in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. Land, 11, no. 8: 1337, (2nd Quartile; Environmental Studies).

10. Journeau C., Shapiro N. M., Seydoux L., Soubestre J., Koulakov I. Y., Jakovlev A. V., Abkadyrov I., Gordeev E. I., Chebrov D. V., Droznin D. V., Sens-Schönfelder C., Luehr B. G., Tong F., Farge G. and Jaupart C. (2022). Seismic tremor reveals active trans-crustal magmatic system beneath Kamchatka volcanoes. Science Advances, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

11. Coldwell B. C., Pérez N. M., Cordero Vaca M., Pankhurst M. J., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Asensio-Ramos M., Ribeiro S. and Santos J. F. (2022). Strontium isotope systematics of Tenerife wines (Canary Islands): tracing provenance in ocean island terroir. Beverages, (2nd Quartile; Food Science).

12. Pankhurst M. J., Scarrow J. H., Barbee O. A., Hickey J., Coldwell B. C., Rollinson G. K., Rodríguez-Losada J. A., Martín-Lorenzo A., Rodríguez F., Hernández W., Calvo Fernández D., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2022). Rapid response petrology for the opening eruptive phase of the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands. Volcanica, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

13. Rodríguez-Losada J. A., Eff-Darwich A., Hernández-Gutiérrez L. and Viñas R. (2022). Characterizing regional radon-in-air levels in rocks of the Canary Islands (Spain): new data and results. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, (1st Quartile; Environmental Science, miscellaneous).

14. De Matteo A., Massa B., Castaldo R., D’Auria L., James M. R., Lane S. J., Pepe S. and Tizzani P. (2022). Combined modelling approach analyzing the deformation style of active volcanoes: the Somma-Vesuvius case study. Journal Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

15. Alonso M., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Rodríguez F., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Asensio-Ramos M., Fridrikssond T. and Sumino H. (2022). Thermal energy and diffuse 4He and 3He degassing released in volcanic-geothermal systems. Renewable Energy, 182, 17-31, (1st Quartile; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment).

16. Romero J., Burton M., Cáceres F., Taddeucci J., Civico R., Ricci T., Pankhurst M. J., Hernández P. A., Bonadonna C., Llewellin E. W., Pistolesi M., Polacci M., Solana C., D’Auria L., Arzilli F., Andronico D., Rodríguez F., Asensio-Ramos M., Martín-Lorenzo A., Hayer C., Scarlato P. and Pérez N. M. (2022). The initial phase of the 2021 Cumbre Vieja ridge eruption (Canary Islands): Products and dynamics controlling edifice growth and collapse. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

17. Civico R., Ricci T., Scarlato P., Taddeucci J., Andronico D., Del Bello E., D’Auria L., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2022). High-resolution Digital Surface Model of the 2021 eruption deposit of Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Spain. Scientific Data, 9, 435, (1st Quartile; Information Systems).

18. Cabrera-Pérez I., Centeno R., Soubestre J., D’Auria L., Rivera M. and Machacca R. (2022). Ambient noise tomography of Misti volcano, Peru. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

19. Wadsworth F. B., Llewellin E. W., Farquharson J. I., Gillies J. K., Loisel A., Frey L., Ilyinskaya E., Thordarson T., Tramontano S., Lev E., Pankhurst M. J., Rull A. G., Asensio-Ramos M., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. H., Calvo D., Solana M. C., Kueppers U., Polo Santabárbara A. P (2022). Crowd-sourcing observations of volcanic eruptions during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall and Cumbre Vieja events. Nature Communications, 13, 2611, (1st Quartile; Physics and Astronomy, miscellaneous).

20. Ferrer M. and González de Vallejo L. I. (2022). The instability of the island of La Palma: a long debate based on uncertain hypotheses. Science, 375 (6587), (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

21. Marrero-Rodríguez N. and Dóniz-Páez J. (2022). Coastal Dunes Geomorphosites to Develop the Geotourism in a Volcanic Subtropical Oceanic Island, Tenerife, Spain. Land, 11, no. 3: 426, (2nd Quartile; Environmental Studies).

22. Giudicepietro F., Calvari S., D’Auria L., Di Traglia F., Layer L., Macedonio G. and Esposito A. M. (2022). Changes in the Eruptive Style of Stromboli Volcano before the 2019 Paroxysmal Phase Discovered through SOM Clustering of Seismo-Acoustic Features Compared with Camera Images and GBInSAR Data. Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1287, (1st Quartile; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary).

23. Amonte C., Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Padrón E., Hernández P. A. (2022). Temporal evolution of dissolved gases in groundwater of Tenerife Island. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

24. Caudron C., Soubestre J., Lecocq T., White R. S., Brandsdóttir B. and Krischer L. (2022). Insights into the dynamics of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption using seismic interferometry and network covariance matrix analyses. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

25. Becerra-Ramírez R., Dóniz-Páez J. and González E. (2022). Morphometric Analysis of Scoria Cones to Define the ‘Volcano-Type’ of the Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Region (Central Spain). Land, 11, 917, (2nd Quartile; Environmental Studies)


1. Hernández P. A., Nogami K., Padrón E., Somoza L., Amonte C., Mori T., Melián G. V., Sumino H., Kikawada Y. and Pérez N. M. (2021). Hydrochemical and Hydroacoustic Investigation of the Yugama Acid Crater Lake, KusatsuShirane, Japan. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

2. Pankhurst M. J., Stevenson C. J. and Coldwell B. C. (2021). Meteorites that produce K-feldspar-rich ejecta blankets correspond to mass extinctions. Journal of the Geological Society, (1st Quartile; Geology).

3. Melián G. V., Toulkeridis T., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Somoza L., Padrón E., Amonte C., Alonso M., Asensio-Ramos M. and Cordero M. (2021). Geochemistry of water and gas emissions from Cuicocha and Quilotoa Volcanic Lakes, Ecuador. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

4. Dóniz-Páez J., Becerra-Ramírez R. and Beltrán-Yanes E. (2021). Geomorfositios en el Geoparque Mundial Unesco de El Hierro (Islas Canarias, España) para fomentar el geoturismo en espacios volcánicos. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, 80, 165-186, (3rd Quartile; Geography, Planning and Development).

5. Sandoval-Velasquez A., Rizzo A. L., Aiuppa A., Remigi S., Padrón E., Pérez N. M. and Frezzotti M. L. (2021). Recycled crustal carbon in the depleted mantle source of El Hierro volcano, Canary Islands. Lithos, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

6. Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Asensio-Ramos M., Padrón E., Alonso M., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Sortino F., Sumino H., Rodríguez F., Amonte C., Silva S., Cardoso N. and Pereira J. M. (2021). Insights from fumarole gas geochemistry on the recent volcanic unrest of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

7. Giudicepietro F., Ricciolino P., Bianco B., Caliro S., Cubellis E., D’Auria L., De Cesare W., De Martino P., Esposito A. M., Galluzzo D., Macedonio G., Lo Bascio D., Orazi M., Pappalardo L., Peluso R., Scarpato G., Tramelli A. and Chiodini G. (2021). Campi Flegrei, Vesuvius and Ischia seismicity in the context of the Neapolitan volcanic area. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

8. Soubestre J., Chouet B. and Dawson P. (2021). Sources of Volcanic Tremor Associated With the Summit Caldera Collapse During the 2018 East Rift Eruption of Kılauea Volcano, Hawaii. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

9. García‐Hernández R., D’Auria L., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D. and Pérez N. M. (2021). MUltiscale Temporal and Spatial estimation of the B-value.. Seismological Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

10. Alonso M., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Sumino H., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., Dionis S., Asensio-Ramos M., Amonte C., Silva S. and Pereira J. M. (2021). Changes in the thermal energy and the diffuse 3He and 4He degassing prior to the 2014-2015 eruption of Pico do Fogo volcano, Cape Verde. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

11. Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Padrón E., Sumino H., Pérez N. M., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., Amonte C., Arcilla C. and Mahar Lagmay A. (2021). Geochemical and isotopic evidence of volcanic plumbing system processes from fumarolic gases of Taal volcano, Philippines, prior to the January 2020 eruption. Chemical Geology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

12. Somoza L., Medialdea T., González F. J., Machancoses S., Candón J. A., Cid C., Calado A., Afonso A., Pinto Ribeiro L., Blasco I., Alburquerque M., Asensio-Ramos M., Bettencourt R., Carreira-Silva M., De Ignacio C., López-Pamo E., Ramos B., Rincón-Tomás B., Santofimia E., Souto M., Tojeira I., Viegas C. and Madureira P. (2021). High-Resolution Multibeam Bathymetric Map of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45-46º N: The Moytirra hydrothermal field. Journal of Maps, 17:2, 184-196, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

13. Amonte C., Asensio-Ramos M., Melián G. V., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Rodríguez F., D’Auria L. and López D. (2021). Hydrogeochemical temporal variations related to changes of seismic activity at Tenerife Canary Islands. Bulletin of Volcanology 83, 24, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

14. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., D’Auria L., Rodríguez F., Alonso M., Amonte C., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Calvo D., Coldwell B. C. and Pankhurst M. J. (2021). Changes in diffuse degassing from the summit crater of Teide volcano (Tenerife, Canary Islands) prior to the 2016 Tenerife long-period seismic swarm. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB020318, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

15. Sánchez-Cañadillas E., Carballo J., Padrón E., Hernández-Marrero J. C., Melián G. V., Navarro-Mederos J. F., Pérez N. M. and Arnay-de-la-Rosa M. (2021). Dietary changes across time: studying the indigenous period of La Gomera using δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analysis and radiocarbon dating. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, (1st Quartile; Anthropology).

16. Ledo J., García-Merino M., Larnier H., Ślęzak K., Piña-Varas P., Marcuello A., Queralt P., Pérez N. M., Schmincke H. U. and Sumita M. (2021). 3D electrical resistivity of Gran Canaria island using magnetotelluric data. Geothermics, (1st Quartile; Geology).

17. Couperthwaite F. K., Morgan D. J., Pankhurst M. J., Lee P. D. and Day J. M. D. (2021). Reducing epistemic and model uncertainty in ionic  interdiffusion chronology: A 3D observation and dynamic modelling approach using olivine from Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion. American Mineralogist, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

18. Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Asensio-Ramos M., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J. and D’Auria L. (2021). Exploration of deep-seated geothermal reservoirs in the Canary Islands by means of soil CO2 degassing surveys. Renewable Energy, (1st Quartile; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Environment).


1. Gola G., Barone A., Castaldo R., Chiodini G., D’Auria L., García-Hernández R., Pepe S., Solaro G. and Tizzani P. (2020). A novel multidisciplinary approach for the thermo-rheological study of volcanic areas: the case study of Long Valley caldera. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

2. Cabrera-Pérez I., D’Auria L., Soubestre J., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D. and Pérez N. M. (2020). A non-linear multiscale inversion approach for ambient noise tomography. Geophysical Journal International, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

3. Di Paolo F., Ledo J., Ślęzak K., Martínez van Dorth D., CabreraPérez I. and Pérez N. M. (2020). La Palma island (Spain) geothermal system revealed by 3D magnetotelluric data inversión. Scientific Reports, (1st Quartile; Muldisciplinary).

4. Somoza L., Medialdea T., González F. J., Calado A., Afonso A., Alburquerque M., Asensio-Ramos M., Bettencourt R., Blasco I., Candón J. A., Carreira-Silva M., Cid C., De Ignacio C., López-Pamo E., Machancoses S., Ramos B., Pinto Ribeiro L., Rincón-Tomás B., Santofimia E., Souto M., Tojeira I., Viegas C. and Madureira P. (2020). Multidisciplinary Scientific Cruise to the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Azores Archipelago. Frontiers in Marine Science, (1st Quartile; Oceanography).

5. Socas-Rodríguez B., Herrera-Herrera A. V., Asensio-Ramos M. and Rodríguez-Delgado M. A. (2020). Recent applications of magnetic nanoparticles in food analysis. Processes, 8, 1140, (2nd Quartile; Process Chemistry and Technology).

6. Ramalho E. C., Marrero-Diaz R., Leitão M., Díaz R., Ramada A. and Pinto C. (2020). Alfama Springs, Lisbon, Portugal: Cultural Geoheritage Throughout the Centuries.  Geoheritage 12, 74, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

7. Journeau C., Shapiro N. M., Seydoux L., Soubestre J., Ferrazzini V. and Peltier A. (2020). Detection, classification and location of seismovolcanic signals with multi-component seismic data: example from the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion, France). Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

8. Catalan L., Araiz M., Aranguren P.,  Padilla G. D., Hernández  P. A., Pérez N. M., Noceda C. G., Albert J. F. and Astrain D. (2020). Prospects of Autonomous Volcanic Monitoring Stations: Experimental Investigation on Thermoelectric Generation from Fumaroles. Sensors, 20, 3547, (1st Quartile; Instrumentation).

9. Randazzo A., M. Asensio-Ramos M., Melián G. V., Venturi S., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M. and Tassi F. (2020). Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in solid waste landfill cover soil: Chemical and isotopic composition vs degradation processes. Science of the Total Environment, 726, (1st Quartile; Environmental Chemistry).

10. Esther Beltrán-Yanes Javier Dóniz-Páez and Isabel Esquivel-Sigut (2020). Chinyero Volcanic Landscape Trail (Canary Islands, Spain): A Geotourism Proposal to Identify Natural and Cultural Heritage in Volcanic Areas. Geosciences, 10(11), 453, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

11. Becerra-Ramirez R., Ubaldo-Gosálvez R., Escobar-Lahoz E., González-Cárdenas E., Serrano-Patón M. and Guevara D. (2020). Characterization and geoturist resources of Campo de Calatrava volcanic región (Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain) to develop a UNESCO Global Geopark Project. Geosciences, 10(11), 441, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

12. Dóniz-Páez J., Beltrán-Yanes E., Becerra-Ramírez R., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A. and Hernández W. (2020). Diversity of Volcanic Geoheritage in the Canary Islands, Spain. Geosciences, 10 (10), 390, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Emanuel Lauro S. E., Soldovieri F., Orosei R., Cicchetti A., Cartacci M., Mattei E., Cosciotti B., Di Paolo F., Noschese R. and Pettinelli E. (2019). Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars – A Probabilistic Inversion Approach. Remote Sensing, 11(20), 2445, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

2. Pepe S., L. De Siena L., Barone A., Castaldo R., D’Auria L., Manzoa M., Casu F., Fedi M., Lanari R., Bianco F. and Tizzani P. (2019). Volcanic structures investigation through SAR and seismic interferometric methods: The 2011-2013 Campi Flegrei unrest episode. Remote Sensing of Environment, 234, (1st Quartile; Geology).

3. D’Auria L., Barrancos J., Padilla  G. D., Pérez N. M., Hernández  P. A., Melián G. V.,   Padrón  E., AsensioRamos M. and GarcíaHernández R. (2019). The 2016 Tenerife (Canary Islands) longperiod seismic swarm. Journal Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

4. Pankhurst M. J., Gueninchault N., Andrews M. and Hill E. (2019). Non-destructive three-dimensional crystallographic orientation analysis of olivine using Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography. Mineralogical Magazine, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Giudicepietro F., Calvari S., Alparone S., Bianco F., Bonaccorso A., Bruno V., Caputo T., Cristaldi A., D’Auria L., De Cesare W., Di Lieto B., M. Esposito A., Gambino S., Inguaggiato S.,  Macedonio G., Martini M., Mattia M., Orazi M., Paonita A., Peluso R., Privitera E.,  Romano P., Giovanni Scarpato G., i A. and Fabio Vita F. (2019). Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Multidisciplinary Monitoring Data to Analyze the Eruptive Activity of Stromboli Volcano in 2017-2018. Remote Sensing, 11(15), 1813 (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

6. Soubestre J., Seydoux L., Shapiro N. M., de Rosny J., Droznin D. V., S. Droznina S. Ya., Senyukov S. L.  and Gordeev E. I. (2019). Depth Migration of Seismovolcanic Tremor Sources Below the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group (Kamchatka) Determined From a Network-Based Analysis. Geophysical Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

7. Wang H., Atwood R. C., Pankhurst M. J., Kashyap Y., Cai B., Zhou T., Lee P. D., Drakopoulos M. and Sawhney K. (2019). High-energy, high-resolution, fyscan X-ray phase tomography. Scientific Reports, 9,  (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

8. Alonso M., Padrón E., Sumino H., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Rodríguez  F., Padilla G. D., García-Merino M., Amonte C. and Pérez N. M. (2019). Heat and Helium-3 Fluxes from Teide Volcano, Canary Islands, Spain. Geofluids, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

9. Lev E., Ruprecht P., Oppenheimer C., Peters N., Patrick M., Hernández P. A., Spampinato L. and Marlow J. (2019). A global synthesis of lava lake dynamics. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 381, 16-31, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

10. Petrillo Z.,  D’Auria L.,  Mangiacapra A.,  Chiodini G.,  Caliro S. and  Scippacercola S. (2019). A Perturbative Approach for Modeling ShortTerm FluidDriven Ground Deformation Episodes on Volcanoes: A Case Study in the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy). Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

11. Pérez-Umaña D., Quesada-Román, A., De Jesús Rojas J. C., Zamorano-Orozco J. J., Dóniz-Páez J. and Rafael Becerra-Ramírez (2019). Comparative Analysis of Geomorphosites in Volcanoes of Costa Rica, Mexico and Spain. Geoheritage, 11, 545–559, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

12. Sabria K., Marrero-Diaz R., Ntarmouchanta A., Bento dos Santos T., Ribeiro M. L., Solá A. R., Smailia H., Benslimanea A., Chibouta M., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Carreira P. M. and Jesus A. P. (2019). Geology and hydrogeochemistry of the thermo-mineral waters of the South Rif Thrust (Northern Morocco). Geothermics, 78, 28-49, (1st Quartile; Geology).


1. D’Orazio G., Asensio-Ramos M. and Fanal C. (2018). Enantiomers separation by capillary electrochromatography using polysaccharide-based stationary phases. Journal of Separation Science, 42, 360, (2nd Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

2. Pankhurst M. J., Vo N. T., Butcher A. R., Long H., Wang H., Nonni S., Harvey J., Guðfinnsson G., Fowler R., Atwood R., Walshaw R. and Lee P. D. (2018). Quantitative measurement of olivine composition in three dimensions using helical-scan X-ray micro-tomography. American Mineralogist, 103, 1800–1811, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. García-Hernández R., D’Auria L., Barrancos J. and Padilla G. D. (2018). On the functional expression of frequency magnitude distributions: a comprehensive statistical examination. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

4. Coldwell B. C. and Pankhurst M. J. (2018). Evaluating the influence of meteorite impact events on global potassium feldspar availability to the atmosphere since 600 Ma. Journal of the Geological Society, (1st Quartile; Geology).

5. Carbonari R., Di Maio  R., Piegari  E., D’Auria  L., Esposito A. and Petrillo  Z. (2018). Filtering of noisy magnetotelluric signals by SOM neural networks. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

6. Calvari S., Ganci G., Silva S. V., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Alfama V., Barrancos J., Cabral J., Cardoso N., Dionis S., Fernandes P., Melián G. V., Pereira J. M.,  Semedo H., Padilla G. D. and Rodríguez F. (2018). Satellite and Ground Remote Sensing Techniques to Trace The Hidden Growth of a Lava Flow Field: The 2014-15 Effusive Eruption at Fogo Volcano (Cape Verde). Remote Sensing, 10 (7), 1115, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

7. D’Auria L., Giudicepietro F., Tramelli A., Ricciolino P., Lo Bascio D., Orazi M., Martini M., Peluso R., Scarpato G. and Esposito A. (2018). The seismicity of Ischia island. Seismological Research Letters, 89 (5),  1750-1760, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

8. Wang H., Cai B., Pankhurst M. J., Zhou T., Kashyap Y., Atwood R., Le Gall N., Lee P., Drakopoulosa M. and Sawhney K. (2018). X-ray phase-contrast imaging with engineered porous materials over 50 keV. Journal Synchrotron Radiation, 25, (1st Quartile; Radiation).

9. Pepe S., D’Auria L., Castaldo R., Casu F., De Luca C., De Novellis V., Sansosti E., Solaro G. and Tizzani P. (2018). The Use of Massive Deformation Datasets for the Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Mauna Loa Volcano (Hawai’i). Remote Sensing, 10(6), 968, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

10. Gammaldi S., Amoroso O., D’Auria L. and Zollo A. (2018). High resolution, multi-2D seismic imaging of Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei Caldera, southern Italy) from active seismic data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 357, 177–185, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

11. Pankhurst M. J., Morgan D. J., Thordarson T. and Loughlin S. C. (2018). Magmatic crystal records in time, space and process, causatively linked with volcanic unrest. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,  493, 231–241, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

12. Pankhurst M. J., Fowler R., Courtois L., Nonni S., Zuddas F., Atwood R. C., Davis G. R. and  Lee P. D. (2018). Enabling three-dimensional densitometric measurements using laboratory source X-ray micro-computed tomography. Software X, 7, 115–121, (1st Quartile; Computer Science Aplications).

13. Castaldo R., D’Auria L., Pepe S., Solaro G., De Novellis V. and Tizzani P. (2018). The impact of crustal rheology on natural seismicity: Campi Flegrei caldera case study. Geoscience Frontiers, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

14. Ricco C., Aquino I., Augusti V., D’Auria L., Del Guadio C. and Scarpato G. (2018). Improvement and development of the tiltmetric monitoring networks of Neapolitan volcanoes. Annals of Geophysics, 61, 1, SE114, (3rd Quartile; Geophysics).

15. Hernández P. A., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Asensio-Ramos M., Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Alonso M. and Calvo D. (2018). Reply to comment from Domínguez Cerdeña et al. (2017) on “Geochemical evidences of seismo-volcanic unrests at the NW rift-zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands, inferred from diffuse CO2 emission” by Hernández et al. [Bull. Volcanol. (2017), 79:30]. Bulletin Volcanology, 80: 8, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

16. PiñaVaras P., Ledo J., Queralt P., Marcuello A. and Pérez N. M. (2018). On the detectability of Teide volcano magma chambers (Tenerife, Canary Islands) with magnetotelluric data. Earth, Planets and Space, 70:14, (1st Quartile; Geology).

17. De Matteoa A., Massaa B., Milano G. and D’Auria L. (2018). A transitional volume beneath the Sannio-Irpinia border region (southern Apennines): Different tectonic styles at different depths. Tectonophysics, 723, 14–26, (1st Quartile; Earth-Surface Process).

18. Di Traglia F., Calvari S., D’Auria L., Nolesini T., Bonaccorso A., Fornaciai A., Esposito A., Cristaldi A., Favalli M. and Casagli N (2018). The 2014 Effusive Eruption at Stromboli: New Insights from In Situ and Remote-Sensing Measurements. Remote Sensing, 10, 2035, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

19. Pérez-Umaña D., Quesada-Román A., De Jesús Rojas J. C., Zamorano Orozco J. J., Dóniz-Páez J., Becerra-Ramírez R. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Geomorphosites in Volcanoes of Costa Rica, México and Spain. Geoheritage (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

20. Slezak K., Jozwiak W., Nowozynski K., Orynski S. and Brasse H. (2018). 3D studies of MT data in the Central Polish Basin: Influence of inversion parameters, model space and transfer function selection. Journal of Applied Geophysics, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

21. García-Yeguas A., Sánchez-Alzola A., De Siena L. Prudencio J., Díaz-Moreno A. and Ibáñez J. M. (2018). Scattering images from autocorrelation functions of P-wave seismic velocity images: the case of Tenerife Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Bulletin of Volcanology 80, 24 (2018), (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. D’Orazio G., Fanali C., Asensio-Ramos M., Fanali S. (2017). Chiral separations in food analysis. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 96, 151 – 171, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

2. Amoroso O., Festa G., Bruno P. P., D’Auria L., De Landro G., Di Fiore V., Gammaldi S., Maraio S., Pilz M., Roux P., Russo G., Serlenga V., Serra M., Woith H. and Zollo A. (2017). Integrated tomographic methods for seismic imaging and monitoring of volcanic caldera structures and geothermal areas. Journal of Applied Geophysics, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

3. Chiodini G. Giudicepietro F., Vandemeulebrouck J., Aiuppa A., Caliro S., De Cesare W., Tamburello G., Avino R., Orazi M. and D’Auria L. (2017). Fumarolic tremor and geochemical signals during a volcanic unrest. Geology, (1st Quartile; Geology).

4. Pepe S., Castaldo R., De Novellis V., D’Auria  L., De Luca C., Casu F., Sansosti E. and Tizzani P. (2017). New insights on the 2012-2013 uplift episode at Fernandina Volcano (Galápagos). Geophysical Journal International, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

5. Chiodini G., Selva J., Del Pezzo E., Marsan D., De Siena L., D’Auria L. and Petrillo Z. (2017). Clues on the origin of post-2000 earthquakes at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy). Scientific Reports, 7,  4772, (1st Quartile; Muldisciplinary).

6. García-Yeguas A., Ledo J., Piña-Varas P., Prudencio J., Queralt P., Marcuello A., Ibánez J. M., Benjumea B., Sánchez-Alzola A. and Pérez N. M. (2017). A 3D joint interpretation of magnetotelluric and seismic tomographic models: The case of the volcanic island of Tenerife. Computers & Geosciences, 109, 95-105, (1st Quartile; Computer in Earth Sciences).

7. Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Somoza L., Arpa M. C., Pérez N. M., Bariso E., Sumino H., Padrón E., Varekamp J. C., Albert-Beltran J. and Solidum R. (2017). The acid crater lake of Taal Volcano, Philippines: hydrogeochemical and hydroacoustic data related to the 2010-11 volcanic unrest. Journal of Geologycal Society of London, Special Publications, 437, (1st Quartile; Geology).

8. Miyamoto S., Barrancos J., Bozza C., Consiglio L., De Sio C., Hernández P. A., Nishiyama R., Padilla G. D., Padrón E., Sirignano C., Stellacci S. M., Tanaka H. and Tioukov V. (2017). Muography of 1949 fault in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. Annals of Geophysics, 60, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

9. Paris R., Coello Bravo J. J., Martín González M. E., Kelfoun K. and Nauret F. (2017). Explosive eruption, flank collapse and megatsunami at Tenerife ca. 170 ka. Nature Communications, 8, Article number: 15246 (2017), (1st Quartile; Physics and Astronomy miscellaneous).

10. Hernández P. A., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Asensio-Ramos M., Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Alonso M. and Calvo D. (2017). Geochemical evidences of seismo-volcanic unrests at the NW rift-zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands, inferred from diffuse CO2 emission. Bulletin of Volcanology, 79:30, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

11. Liotta M., Rizzo A. L., Barnes J. D., D’Auria L., Martelli M., Bobrowski N. and Wittmer J. (2017). Chlorine isotope composition of volcanic rocks and gases at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy): Inferences on magmatic degassing prior to 2014 eruption. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 336, 168–178, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Melián G. V., Somoza L., Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Forjaz V. and França Z. (2016). Surface CO2 emission and rising bubble plumes from degassing of crater lakes in São Miguel Island, Azores. Journal of Geologycal Society of London, Special Publications, 437 (1st Quartile; Geology).

2. Hernández P. A., Miyamoto S., Tiukov V., Barrancos J., Sirignano C., Nishiyama R., Tanaka H. and Pérez N. M. (2016). Cosmic muon imaging: a challenging application to investigate deeper volcanic structures in Canary Islands, Spain. Near Surface Geophysics, 14, 391 – 401, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

3. D’Orazio G., Asensio-Ramos M., Fanali C., Hernández-Borges J. and Fanali S. (2016). Capillary electrochromatography in food analysis. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 82,  250-267, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

4. Richter N., Favalli M., de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen E., Fornaciai A., Fernandes R. M. D. S., Pérez N. M., Levy J., Victória S. S. and Walter T. R. (2016). Lava flow hazard at Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde, before and after the 2014-2015 eruption. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16, 1925-1951, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

5. Cappello A., Ganci G., Calvari S., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Silva S. V., Cabral J. and Del Negro C. (2016). Lava Flow Hazard Modeling during the 2014-2015 Fogo eruption, Cape Verde. Journal Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 121, 2290–2303, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

6. Giammanco S., Melián G. V.,  Neri M., Hernández P. A., Sortino F., Barrancos J., López M., Pecoraino G. and Pérez N. M. (2016). Hidden tectonic framework, caldera-forming collapses and recent slope-failure at the summit of Mt. Etna (Italy) revealed by soil CO2 and soil temperature surveying. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 311, 79–98, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

7. Fridriksson T., Padrón E., Óskarssona F. and Pérez N. M. (2016). Application of diffuse gas flux measurements and soil gas analysis to geothermal exploration and environmental monitoring: Example from the Reykjanes geothermal field, SW Iceland. Renewable Energy, 86, 1295–1307, (1st Quartile; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Environment).

8. D’Orazio G., Hernández-Borges J., Asensio-Ramos M., Rodríguez-Delgado M. Á. and Fanali S. (2016). Capillary electrochromatography and nano-liquid chromatography coupled to nano-electrospray ionization interface for the separation and identification of estrogenic compounds. Electrophoresis, 37, 356-362, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).


1. Carrillo J., Guerra J. C., Cuevas E. and Barrancos J. (2015). Characterization of the Marine Boundary Layer and the Trade-Wind Inversion over the Sub-tropical North Atlantic. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, (1st Quartile; Atmospheric Science).

2. Marrero-Diaz R., López D., Pérez N. M., Custodio E., Sumino H., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Calvo D., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D. and Sortino F. (2015). Carbon dioxide and helium dissolved gases in groundwater at central Tenerife Island, Canary Islands: chemical and isotopic characterization. Bulletin of Volcanology. (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Harvey M., Rowland. J. V. Chiodini G., Rissmann C. F., Bloomberg S., Hernández P. A., Mazot A., Viveiros M. F. and Werner C (2015). Heat flux from magmatic hydrothermal systems related to availability of fluid recharge. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Carmona E., Almendros J., Sumino H., Kusakabe M. and Wakita H. Geochemical evidences of two different source of seismicity at Deception volcano, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 27(06), 557-565, (2nd Quartile; Geology).

5. Pérez N. M., Somoza L., Hernández P. A., González de Vallejo L. I., León R., Sagiya T., Biain A., González F. J., Medialdea T., Barrancos J., Ibáñez J., Sumino H., Nogami K. and Romero C. (2015). Reply to comment from Blanco et al. on “Evidence from acoustic imaging for submarine volcanic activity in 2012 off the west coast of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) by Pérez et al. [Bull. Volcanol. (2014), 76:882-896]. Bulletin of Volcanology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

6. Marrero-Diaz R., Alcalá F. J., Pérez N. M., López D. L., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Padilla G. D. (2015). Aquifer Recharge Estimation through Atmospheric Chloride Mass Balance at Las Cañadas Caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Water, 7, 2451-2471, (2nd Quartile; Water Science and Technology).

7. Dionis S. M., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Rodríguez F., Padrón E., Sumino H., Barrrancos J., Padilla G. D., Fernandes P., Bandomo Z., Silva S., Pereira J. M., Semedo H. and Cabral J. (2015). Diffuse CO2 degassing and volcanic activity at Cape Verde islands, West Africa. Earth Planets Space, (1st Quartile; Geology).

8. Piña-Varas P., Ledo J., Queralt P., Marcuello A., Bellmunt F., Ogaya X., Pérez N. M. and Rodríguez-Losada J. A. (2015). Vertical collapse origin of Las Cañadas caldera (Tenerife, Canary Islands) revealed by 3D magnetotelluric inversion. Geophysical Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

9. Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Piña-Varas P., Dionis S., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A., Marrero R., Ledo J., Bellmunt F., Queralt P., Marcuello A. and Hidalgo R. (2015). Surface geochemical and geophysical studies for geothermal exploration at the Southern Volcanic Rift Zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Geothermics, 55, 195–206, (1st Quartile; Geology).

10. Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Giammanco S., Sortino F., Barrancos J., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., López M., Donovan A., Mori T. and Notsu K. (2015). Contribution of CO2 and H2S emitted to the atmosphere by visible and non-visible degassing from volcanoes: The Etna Volcano case study. Survey in Geophysics, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

11. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Rodríguez F., Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Dionis S., Notsu K. and Calvo D. (2015). Dynamics of diffuse carbon dioxide emission from Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands. Bulletin of Volcanology, 77, 1-15, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

12. Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Asensio-Ramos M., Dionis S., López G., Marrero R., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J. and Hidalgo R. (2015). Diffuse helium and hydrogen degassing to reveal hidden geothermal resources in oceanic volcanic islands: The Canarian archipelago case study. Surveys in Geophysics, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

13. Dionis S. M., Melián G. V., Rodríguez F., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Sumino H., Fernández P., Bandomo Z., Silva S., Pereira J. M. and Semedo H. (2015). Diffuse volcanic gas emission and thermal energy release from the summit crater of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde. Bulletin of Volcanology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

14. D’Orazio G., Asensio-Ramos M. Hernández-Borges J. Rodríguez-Delgado M. Á., Fanali S. (2015). Evaluation of the combination of a dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method with micellar electrokinetic chromatography coupled to mass-spectrometry for the determination of estrogenic compounds in milk and yogurt. Electrophoresis 36, 615 – 625, (2nd Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

15. Rodríguez-Losada J. A., Eff-Darwich A., Hernández L. E., Viñas R., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Martínez-Frías J., Romero-Ruiz C., Coello-Bravo J. J. (2015). Petrological and geochemical Highlights in the floating fragments of the October 2011 submarine eruption offshore El Hierro (Canary Islands): Relevance of submarine hydrothermal processes. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 102, 41-49, (2nd Quartile; Geology).

16. Prudencio J., De Siena L., Ibáñez J. M., Del Pezzo E., García-Yeguas A. and Díaz-Moreno A. (2015). The 3D Attenuation Structure of Deception Island (Antarctica). Survey in Geophysics, 36, 371 – 390, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

17. Prudencio J., Ibáñez J. M., Del Pezzo E., Martí J., García-Yeguas A. and De Siena L. (2015). 3D Attenuation Tomography of the Volcanic Island of Tenerife (Canary Islands). Survey in Geophysics, 36, 693–716, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Pérez N. M., Somoza L., Hernández P. A., González de Vallejo L. I., León R., Sagiya T., Biain A., González F. J., Medialdea T., Barrancos J., Ibáñez J., Sumino H., Nogami K. and Romero C. (2014). Evidence from acoustic imaging for submarine volcanic activity in 2012 off the west coast of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain). Bulletin of Volcanology, 76:882, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. García-Yeguas A., Ibáñez J. M., Koulakov I., Jakovlev A., Romero-Ruiz M. C. and Prudencio J. (2014). Seismic tomography model reveals mantle magma sources of recent volcanic activity at El Hierro Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Geophysical Journal International, Volume 199, Issue 3, Pages 1739–1750, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

3. Socas-Rodríguez B., Asensio-Ramos M., Hernández-Borges J. and Rodríguez-Delgado M. A. (2014). Analysis of estrogenic compounds in dairy products by hollow-fibre liquid-phase microextraction coupled to liquid chromatography. Food Chemistry, 149, 319-325, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

4. Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Dionis S., Rodríguez F., Calvo D. and Nolasco D. (2014). Spatial and temporal variations of diffuse CO2 degassing at El Hierro volcanic system: relation to the 2011-2012 submarine eruption. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Machín-Sánchez M., Asensio-Ramos M., Hernández-Borges J. and Gil-Rodríguez M. C. (2014). CE-MS fingerprinting of Laurencia complex algae (Rhodophyta). Journal of Separation Science, 37, 711-716, (2nd Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

6. Hernández P. A., Calvari S., Ramos A., Pérez N. M., Márquez A., Quevedo R., Barrancos J., Padrón E., Padilla G. López D., Rodríguez-Santana A., Melían G. V., Dionis S., Rodríguez F., Calvo D. and Spampinato L. (2014). Magma emission rates from shallow submarine eruptions using thermal airborne imaging. Remote Sensing of Environment, (1st Quartile; Geology).

7. D’Orazio G., Asensio-Ramos M., Hernández-Borges J., Fanali S. and Rodríguez-Delgado M. A. (2014). Estrogenic compounds determination in water samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and micellar electrokinetic chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1344, 109-121, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

8. Socas-Rodríguez B., Herrera-Herrera A. V., Asensio-Ramos M. and Hernández-Borges J. (2014). Recent applications of carbon nanotube sorbents in Analytical Chemistry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1357, 110-146, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

9. Issa I., Ohbaa T., Chako Tchamabé B., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Eneke Takem E. G., Barrancos J., Sighomnoun D., Ooki S., Nkamdjou S., Kusakabe M., Yoshida Y. and Dionis S. (2014). Gas emission from diffuse degassing structures (DDS) of the Cameroon volcanic line (CVL): Implications for the prevention of CO2-related hazards. Journal of Volcanology & Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

10. Socas-Rodríguez B., Hernández-Borges J., Asensio-Ramos M., Herrera-Herrera A. V. and Rodríguez-Delgado M. A. (2014). Determination of estrogens in environmental water samples using 1,3-dipentylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ionic liquid as extraction solvent in dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction. Electrophoresis, 35 – 17, 2479 – 2487, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).


1. Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Pereda E., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., Dionis S., Calvo D., Herrera M., Strauch W. and Muñoz A. (2013). Anomalous diffuse CO2 emissions at the Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) related to seismic-volcanic unrest. Pure & Applied Geophysics, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Notsu K., Sohrin R., Wada H., Tsuboi T., Sumino H., Mori T., Tsunogai U., Hernández P. A., Suzuki Y., Ikuta R., Oorui K., Koyama M., Masuda T. and Fujii N. (2013). Leakage of magmatic-hydrothermal volatiles from a crater bottom formed by a submarine eruption in 1989 at Teishi Knoll, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Spampinato L., Ganci G., Hernández P. A., Calvo D., Tedesco D., Pérez N. M., Calvari S., Del Negro C. and Yalire M. M. (2013). Thermal insights into the dynamics of Nyiragongo lava lake from ground and satellite measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 118, 1–14, 1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Arpa M. C., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Reniva P., Padilla G. D., Bariso E., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Nolasco D., Calvo D., Pérez N. M. and Solidum, R. U. (2013). Geochemical evidence of magma intrusion inferred from diffuse CO2 emissions and fumarole plume chemistry: the 2010-2011 volcanic unrest at Taal Volcano, Philippines. Bulletin of Volcanology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Padrón E., Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Calvo D., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Melián G. V., Dionis S. and Rodríguez F. (2013). Soil gas geochemistry in relation to eruptive fissures on Timanfaya volcano, Lanzarote Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 250, 91–99, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

6. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Calvo D., Rodríguez F., Dionis S. and Chiodini G. (2013). An increasing trend of diffuse CO2 emission from Teide volcano (Tenerife, Canary Islands): geochemical evidence of magma degassing episodes. Journal of Geological Society of London, (1st Quartile; Geology).

7. Barrancos J., Briz S., Nolasco D., Melián G. V., Padilla G. D., Padrón E., Fernández I., Pérez N. M. and Hernández P. A. (2013). A new method for estimating greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions from livestock buildings. Atmospheric Environment, 74, 10-17, (1st Quartile; Environmental Science).

8. Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Barrancos J., Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Nolasco D., Dionis S., Rodríguez F., Calvo D. and Hernández I. (2013). Soil gas radon emissions and volcanic activity at El Hierro (Canary Islands): The 2011-2012 submarine eruption. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosytems, G3, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

9. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Nolasco D., Padilla G. D., Dionis S., Rodríguez F., Hernández I., Calvo D., Peraza M. D. and Nagao K. (2013). Diffusive helium emissions as a precursory sign of volcanic unrest. Geology, (1st Quartile; Geology).

10. Prudencio J., Del Pezzo E., García-Yeguas A. and Ibanez J. M. (2013). Spatial distribution of intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation in active volcanic islands – I: model and the case of Tenerife Island. Geophysical Journal International, 195, 3: 1942-1956, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).


1. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Fridriksson T., Egbert J., Ilyinskaya E., Thorhallsson A., Ivarsson G., Gislason G., Gunnarsson G., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Mori T. and Notsu K. (2012). Diffuse volcanic degassing and thermal energy release from Hengill volcanic system, Iceland. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74, 2435-2448, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Hernández P. A., Padilla G. D., Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Calvo D., Nolasco D., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Dionis S., Rodríguez F. and Sumino H. (2012). Analysis of long- and short-term temporal variations of the diffuse CO2 emission from Timanfaya volcano, Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Applied Geochemistry, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Pérez N. M., Padilla G. D., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Dionis S., Nolasco D., Rodríguez F., Calvo D. and Hernández I. (2012). Precursory diffuse CO2 and H2S emission signature of the 2011-12 El Hierro submarine eruption, Canary Islands. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Ibáñez J. M., De Angelis S., Díaz-Moreno A., Hernández P. A., Alguacil G., Posadas A. and Pérez N. M. (2012). Insights into the 2011-2012 submarine eruption off the coast of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) from statistical analyses of earthquake activity. Geophysical Journal International, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

5. Melián G. V., Tassi F., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sortino F., Vaselli O., Padrón E., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Rodríguez F., Dionis S., Calvo D., Notsu K., Sumino H. (2012). A magmatic source for fumaroles and diffuse degassing from the summit crater of Teide volcano (Tenerife, Canary Islands): geochemical evidence for the 2004-05 seismic-volcanic crisis. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74(6), 1465–1483, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

6. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Nolasco D. and Padilla G. (2012). Helium emission at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands. Chemical Geology, v. 312 – 313, 138 – 147, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

7. Carapezza  M. L., Barberi F., Tarchini L., Ranaldi M., Ricci T., Barrancos J., Fischer C., Lucchetti C., Melian G. V., Pérez N. M., Tuccimei P., Vogel A. and Weber K. (2012). Hazardous gas emissions from the flanks of the quiescent Colli Albani volcano (Rome, Italy). Applied Geochemistry, v. 27, n. 9, 1767 – 1782, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

8. Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Toulkeridis T., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Virgili G., Sumino H. and Notsu K. (2012). Fumarole/Plume and diffuse CO2 emission from Sierra Negra caldera, Galapagos archipelago. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74 (6), 1509-1519, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

9. Dóniz-Páez J., Romero C. and Sánchez N. (2012). Quantitative size classification of scoria cones: the case of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). Physical Geography. v. 33 (6), p. 514-535 (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

10. Seisdedos J., Ferrer M. and González de Vallejo L. I. (2012). Geological and geomechanical models of the pre-landslide volcanic edifice of Güímar and la Orotava mega-landslides (Tenerife). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. v. 239-240, p. 92-110 (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

11. Witter J. B., Hernández P. A., Harris A. J. L. and Pérez N. M. (2012). Quantification of the Mass Flux of H2O Gas (Steam) at Three Active Volcanoes Using Thermal Infrared Imagery. Pure & Applied Geophysics, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Hernández P. A., Mori T., Padrón E., Sumino H. and Pérez N. M. (2011). Carbon dioxide emission from Katanuma volcanic lake, Japan. Earth Planets Space, v. 63, n. 11, 1151-1156, (2nd Quartile; Geology).

2. Ohno M., Sumino H., Hernández P. A., Sato T. and Nagao K. (2011). Helium isotopes in the Izu Peninsula, Japan: Relation of magma and crustal activity. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 199, 118–126, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padilla G. D., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Melían G. V., Padrón E., Dionis S., Calvo D., Rodríguez F., Notsu K., Mori T., Kusakabe M., Arpa M. C., Reniva P. and Ibarra M. (2011). Global CO2 emission from volcanic lakes. Geology, v. 39; no. 3; p. 235–238, (1st Quartile; Geology).

4. Carapezza M. L., Barberi F., Ranaldi M., Ricci T., Tarchini L., Barrancos J., Fischer C., Pérez N. M., Weber K. Di Piazza A. and Gattuso A. (2011). Diffuse CO2 soil degassing and CO2 and H2S concentrations in air and related hazards at Vulcano Island (Aeolian arc, Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 207, 130–144, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Padrón E., Melián G. V., Marrero R., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2008). Changes on diffuse CO2 emission and relation to seismic activity in and around El Hierro, Canary Islands. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, 95-114 (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Igarashi G., Trujillo I., Sumino H. and Wakita H. (2008). Searching and detecting earthquake geochemical precursors in CO2-rich ground waters from Galicia, Spain. Geochemical Journal, 42, 75-83, (3rd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Toulkeridis T., Pérez N. M., Marrero R., Melián G. V., Virgili G. and Notsu K. (2008). Diffuse CO2 emission rate from Pululahua and the lake-filled Cuicocha calderas, Ecuador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Barrancos J., Roselló J. I., Calvo D., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Millán M. M. and Galle B. (2008). SO2 emission from seven active volcanoes measured simultaneously by COSPEC and mini-DOAS. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, 115-133, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology). 

5. Nolasco D., Lima N., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2008). Non-controlled emission of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere from Lazareto landfill, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 15, 1, 51 – 60, (1st Quartile; Pollution).

6. Marrero R., López D. L., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2008). Carbon dioxide discharged through the Las Cañadas aquifer, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, 147-172, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

7. Pérez N. M., Gurrieri S., King C. Y. and Taran Y. (2008). Introduction “Terrestrial Fluids, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: The Hiroshi Wakita Volume III”. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, 1-3, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Marrero R., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J. and Nolasco D. (2007). Precursory subsurface 222Rn and 220Rn degassing signatures of the 2004 seismic crisis at Tenerife, Canary Islands. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2431-2448, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Varekamp J. C., Henriquez B., Hernández A., Barrancos J., Padrón E., Calvo D. and Melián G. V. (2007). Crater lake temperature changes of the 2005 eruption of Santa Ana volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2507-2522, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Olmos R., Barrancos J., Rivera C., Barahona F., López D. L., Henriquez B., Hernández A., Benitez E., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M. and Galle B. (2007). Anomalous emissions of SO2 during the recent eruption of Santa Ana Volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2489-2506, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Melián G. V., Galindo I., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Fernández M., Ramírez C., Mora R. and Alvarado G. E. (2007). Diffuse emission of H2 from Poás volcano, Costa Rica, Central America. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2465-2487, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Pérez N. M. and Hernández P. A. (2007). Comment on the “Recent Unrest at Canary Islands’ Teide Volcano?”. EOS, American Geophysical Union Transactions, 88, 46, ( Quartile; ).

6. Pérez N. M., Gurrieri S., King C. Y. and Taran Y. (2007). Introduction “Terrestrial Fluids, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: The Hiroshi Wakita Volume II”. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2373-2375, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Hernández P. A., Notsu K., Okada H., Mori T., Sato M. Barahona F. and Pérez N. M. (2006). Diffuse emission of CO2 from Showa-Shinzan, Hokkaido, Japan: a sign of volcanic dome degassing. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163, 869-882, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Cartagena R., Olmos R., Barahona F., Melián G. V., Salazar P. and López D. L. (2006). Anomalous diffuse CO2 emission prior the January 2002 short-term unrest at San Miguel volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163, 883-896, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Pérez N. M., Gurrieri S., King C. Y. and McGee K. (2006). Introduction “Terrestrial Fluids, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: The Hiroshi Wakita Volume I”. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163, 629-631, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Soriano C., Galindo I., Marti J., Wolf J. (2006). Conduit-vent structures and related proximal deposits in the Las Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Bulletin of Volcanology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Galindo I., Soriano C., Marti J., Pérez N. M. (2005). Graben structure in the Las Canadas edifice (Tenerife, Canary Islands): implication for active diffuse degassing and insights on the caldera formation. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 144 (1-4), 73-78, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Notsu K., Sugiyama K., Hosoe M., Uemura A., Shimoike Y., Tsunomori F., Sumino H., Yamamoto J., Mori T. and Hernández P. A. (2005). Diffuse CO2 efflux from Iwojima volcano, Izu-Ogasawara arc, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 139, 147-161, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Hernández P. A., Soriano T., Lopez K. and Notsu K. (2004). Diffuse CO2 and 222Rn degassing from San Salvador volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Bulletin Geological Society of America, 375, 227 – 236, (1st Quartile; Geology).

2. Salazar J. M. L., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Olmos R., Barahona F., Cartagena R., Soriano T., Lopez K. and Notsu K. (2004). Spatial and temporal variations of diffuse CO2 degassing at Santa Ana-Izalco-Coatepeque volcanic complex, El Salvador, Central America. Bulletin Geological Society of America, 375, 135 – 146, (1st Quartile; Geology).

3. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Ferrel R. and Alvarez C. E. (2004). Soil volatile mercury, boron and ammonia distribution at Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Applied Geochemistry, 19, 819-834, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Reimer M. Notsu K. and Wakita H. (2004). Radon and helium soil gases at Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 131, 59-76, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Cartagena R., Olmos R., López D., Barahona F., Soriano T., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2004). Diffuse degassing of carbon dioxide, radon and mercury at San Miguel volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Bulletin Geological Society of America, 375, 203-212,  (1st Quartile; Geology).

6. López D., Ransom L., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Monterrosa J. and Notsu K. (2004). Dynamics of diffuse degassing at Ilopango caldera, El Salvador, Central America. Bulletin Geological Society of America, 375, 191-202,  (1st Quartile; Geology).


1. Hernández P. A., Notsu K., Tsurumi M., Mori T., Ohno M., Shimoike Y., Salazar J. M. L. and Pérez N. M. (2003). Carbon dioxide emissions from soils at Hakkoda, North Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Salazar J. M. L., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Soriano T., Barahona F., Olmos R., Cartagena R., Lopez K., Lima N., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Galindo I., Sumino H. and Notsu K. (2002). Precursory diffuse carbon dioxide degassing signature related to a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in El Salvador, Central America. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 205, 81-89, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Mori T., Hernández P. A., Salazar J. M., Pérez N. M. and Notsu K. (2001). An in-situ method for measuring CO2 flux from hydrothermal fumaroles. Chemical Geology, 177, 85-99, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Hernández P. A., Notsu K., Salazar J. M., Mori T., Natale G., Okada H., Virgili G., Shimoike Y., Sato M. and Pérez N. M. (2001). Carbon Dioxide Degassing by Advective Flow from Usu Volcano, Japan. Science, 292, 83-86, (1st Quartile; Mutidiscipinary).

3. Hernández P. A., Salazar J. M., Shimoike Y., Mori T., Notsu K. and Pérez N. M. (2001). Diffuse emission of CO2 from Miyakejima volcano, Japan. Chemical Geology, 177, 175-185, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Salazar J. M., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Melian G. V., Alvarez J. and Notsu K. (2001). Diffuse volcanic emissions of carbon dioxide from Cerro Negro volcano, Nicaragua. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 4275-4278, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Sato M., Notsu K. and Wakita H. (2000). Soil gas CO2, CH4 and H2 distribution in and around Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 103, 425-438, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Natale G., Hernández P. A., Mori T. and Notsu K. (2000). Pressure gradient measurements in volcanic diffuse gas emanations. Geophysical Research Letters, 27(24), 3985-3987, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Notsu K. and Wakita H. (1998). Diffuse emission of carbon dioxide, methane and helium-3 from Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Geohysical Research Letters, 25, 3311-3314, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Pérez N. M., Nakai S., Wakita H., Hernández P. A. and Salazar J. M. L. (1996). Helium-3 emission in and around Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 3531-3534, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Gil J., Álvarez C. E., Martínez M. C., Pérez N. M. (1995). Effect of vanadium on lettuce growth, cationic nutrition and yield. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, A30, 73-87, (2nd Quartile; Environmental Science).


1. Pérez N. M., Wakita H., Nakai S., Sano Y. and Williams S. N. (1994). 3He/4He isotopic ratios in volcanic-hydrothermal discharges from the Canary Islands, Spain: implications on the origin of the volcanic activity. Mineralogical Magazine, 58A, 709-710, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Álvarez C. E., Fernández M., Pérez N. M., Iglesias E. and Snelling R. (1992). Effect of fly ash from a fuel oil power station on heavy metal content of wild plants at Tenerife island, The Canarian Archipelago, Spain. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, A28(2), 269-283,  (2nd Quartile; Environmental Science).


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1. Martín-Lorenzo A., Pérez N. M., Melián, Rodríguez F., Padrón E., Asensio-Ramos M., Hernández P. A. and D’Auria L. Soil gas physico-chemical survey for geothermal exploration at Madre del Agua mining domain in the Tenerife NSRZ volcano, Canary Islands. Submitted to Geothermics

2. Asensio-Ramos M. et al. Insights into magma dynamics from daily OP-FTIR gas compositions throughout the 2021 Tajogaite eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands. Submitted to Frontiers in Earth Science.

3. Rodríguez F. et al. Towards rapid integrated data acquisition and management during a volcanic crisis: the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands). Submitted to Volcanica.

4. Przeor M. et al. Independent Component Analysis and Finite element modelling of the 2004-2005 ground deformation unrest in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Submitted to RSE.

5. Vossen C. et al. Explosive eruption style modulates volcanic electrification signals. Submitted to JGR.


1. Asensio-Ramos M:, Melián G. V., Padrón E., Hernández P. A.,  Pérez N. M. and Peraza J. L. (2024). Tracer Gas Method Evaluation for Assessing the Energy Potential of Biogas from Chicken Farms in the Canary Islands. Sustainability 16(10), 4168;

2. Ortega-Ramos V., D’Auria L., Granja-Bruña J.L., Cabrera-Pérez I., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2024). Evidence of a Low-Velocity Zone in the Upper Mantle Beneath Cumbre Vieja Volcano (Canary Islands) Through Receiver Functions Analysis. Geophysical Research Letters,

3. Pérez N.M., Padrón E., Melián G., Hernández P. A., Padilla G., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., D’Auria L. and Calvo D. (2024).  Volcanic soil gas 4He/CO2 ratio: a useful geochemical tool for real-time eruption forecasting. Scientific Reports 14, 7985,

4. Hernández‑Gutiérrez L. E., Rodríguez‑Losada J. A., Cruz‑Pérez N., Rodríguez‑Martín Jand ·Santamarta J. C. (2024). Classifcation of geotechnical units and their associated slope movements for application to civil engineering in volcanic territories. Environmental Earth Sciences, 83:181

5. Zanon V., D’Auria L., Schiavi F., Cyrzan K. and Pankhurst M. J. (2024). Toward a near real-time magma ascent monitoring by combined fluid inclusion barometry and ongoing seismicitySciences Advances, vol. 10,

6. Ericksen J., Fischer T., Fricke G. M., Nowicki S., Pérez, N. M., Hernández, P. A., Padrón E., and Moses M. (2024). Drone CO2 Measurements During the Tajogaite Volcanic Eruption. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 1-17,

7. Sandoval Velasquez A., Casetta F., Ntaflos T., Aiuppa A., Coltorti M., Frezzotti M. L., Alonso M., Padrón E., Pankhurst M., Pérez N. M. and Rizzo A. L. (2024). 2021 Tajogaite eruption records infiltration of crustal fluids within the upper mantle beneath La Palma, Canary Islands. Frontiers in Earth Science, Volume 12, https://doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1303872

8. Przeor M., Castaldo R., D’Auria L., Pepe A., Pepe S., Sagiya T., Solaro G., Tizzani O., Barrancos J. & Pérez N. M. (2024). Geodetic imaging of magma ascent through a bent and twisted dike during the Tajogaite eruption of 2021 (La Palma, Canary Islands). Scientific Reports 14, 212,

9. Biass S., Reyes-Hardy M.P., Gregg C., Di Maio L. S., Dominguez L., Frischknecht C., Bonadonna C. and Pérez N. M. (2024). The spatiotemporal evolution of compound impacts from lava flow and tephra fallout on buildings: lessons from the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Spain). Bulletin of Volcanology, 86, 10 (2024).


1. Reyes-Hardy M.-P., Biass S., Dominguez L., Di Maio L. S., Frischknecht C., Bonadonna C. and Pérez N. M. (2023). Temporal evolution of roof collapse from tephra fallout during the 2021-Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Spain). Frontiers in Earth Science, Volume 11, https://doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1303330.

2. Hernández Gutiérrez L. E. y Povedano Marrugat E. (2023). Asignatura pendiente de la co‑gestión en el geoturismo: Análisis del Geoparque Global de El Hierro. PASOS, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Vol. 21,  Págs. 37-51,

3. Cabrera-Pérez I., Soubestre J., D’Auria L., Przeor M., García R., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Pérez N. M. and Prudencio (2023).Ambient noise tomography of El Hierro island (Canary Islands)Frontiers in Earth Science, Sec. Volcanology Volume 11 – 2023 | https://doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1326634.

4. Burton M., Aiuppa A., Allard P., Asensio-Ramos M., Pardo Cofrades A., La Spina A., Nicholson E. J., Zanon V., Barrancos J., Bitetto M., Hartley M., Romero J. E., Waters E., Stewart A., Hernández P. A., Lages J. P., Padrón E., Wood K., Esse B., Hayer C., Cyrzan K., Rose-Koga E. F., Schiavi F., D’Auria L. & Pérez N.M. (2023). Exceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 467,

5. Dóniz-Páez, J., Becerra-Ramírez, R., Németh, K., Gosálvez, R. U., & Escobar, E. (2023). Geomorfositios de interés geoturístico del volcán monogenético Tajogaite, erupción de 2021 (La Palma, Islas Canarias, España). Geofísica Internacional, 63(1), 729–746.

6. Sandoval-Velasquez  A., Rizzo A. L., Casetta F., Ntaflos  T., Aiuppa A., Alonso M., Padrón E., Pankhurst M., Mundl-Petermeier A., Zanon V. and Pérez N.M. (2023). The noble gas signature of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,

7. Piña-Varas P., Ledo J., Queralt P., Martínez van Dorth D., Marcuello A., Cabrera-Pérez I., D’Auria L. and Martí A.(2023). Volcanic monitoring of the 2021 La Palma eruption using long-period magnetotelluric data. Scientific Reports, 13, 15929.

8. Cabrera-Pérez I., D’Auria L., Soubestre J., Przeor  M., Barrancos  J., García-Hernández  R., Ibáñez J.M., Koulakov I., Martínez van Dorth D., Ortega V., Padilla G., Sagiya T. and Pérez N. M. (2023). Spatio-temporal velocity variations observed during the pre-eruptive episode of La Palma 2021 eruption inferred from ambient noise interferometry. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 12039.

9. Birnbaum J.,  Lev E., Hernández P. A., Barrancos J.,  Padilla G. D.,  Asensio-Ramos M., Calvo D., Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., D’Auria L. and Calvari S. (2023). Temporal variability of explosive activity at Tajoigate Volcano, Cumbre Vieja, 2021 eruption from ground-based infrared photography and videography. Frontiers in Earth Science, https://doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1193436.

10. Wertheim D., Coldwell B., Miyashita L., Gill I., Crust S., Giddens R., Pérez M. M., Petford N. and Grigg J. (2023). Confocal microscopy 3D imaging and bioreactivity of La Palma volcanic ash particles. Science of The Total Environment, vol. 899, 165647,

11. Butcher A. R., Windmill R., Corfe I. J., Lim S., Ester M. Jolis E. M., Lukkari S., Pankhurst M. J., Barbee O. A., Coldwell B. C., Perez N. M., White L. F., Dunford A. and Anand M. (2023). Volcanic ash as a resource for future research on Earth and the Moon. Geology Today, Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 144-148, 

12. Cabrera-Pérez I., Soubestre J., D’Auria L., Barrancos J., Martín-Lorenzo A., Martínez van Dorth D., Padilla G. D., Przeor M. and Pérez N.M. (2023). Geothermal and structural features of La Palma island (Canary Islands) imaged by ambient noise tomography. Scientific Reports 13, 12892,

13. Taddeucci J., Scarlato P., Andronico D., Ricci T., Civico R., Del Bello E.. Spina L., D’Auria L., Asensio-Ramos M., Calvo D., Padrón E., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2023). The explosive activity of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24, e2023GC010946.

14. Bonadonna C., Pistolesi M., Dominguez L., Freret-Lorgeril V., Rossi E., Fries A., Biass S., Voloschina M., Lemus J., Romero J. E., Zanon V., Pastore C., Reyes Hardy Mary-Paz, Di Maio L. S., Gabellini P., Martin-Lorenzo A., Rodríguez F. and Perez N. M. (2023). Tephra sedimentation and grainsize associated with pulsatory activity: the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). Frontiers in Earth Science,

15. Asensio-Ramos M. and D’Orazio G. (2023). Capillary electromigration techniques: application to coffee analysis – A review. Journal of Chromatography Open, 3, 100083,

16. Koulakov I., D’Auria L., Prudenci J., Cabrera-Pérez I., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Pérez M. M., and Ibáñez J. M. (2023).. Local earthquake seismic tomography reveals the link between crustal structure and volcanism in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth,

17. Di Fiore F., Vona A., Scarani A., Giordano G., Romano C., Giordano D., Caricchi L., A. Martin-Lorenzo A., Rodríguez F., Coldwell B., Hernández P. A. and .Pankhurst M. (2023). Experimental Constraints on the Rheology of Lavas From 2021 Cumbre Vieja Eruption (La Palma, Spain). Geophysical Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

18. Aznar M., Sanz-Arranz A., Shkolyar S., Sawyers E. R., Konstantinidis M., Lopez-Reyes G., Veneranda M., Lymer E. A., Freemantle J. R., Daly M. G., Cloutis E. A., Rull-Perez F., Martinez-Frias J. and Lalla E. A. (2023). Raman-IR Spectroscopic, and XRD analysis of selected samples from Fogo Island, Cabo Verde: Implications for ancient Martian volcanology. Advances in Space Research, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

19. Cabrera-Pérez I., Soubestre J., D’Auria L., Martínez van Dorth D., Ledo J., Piña-Varas P., Cervigón-Tomico G., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J. and Pérez N. M. (2023). Ambient noise tomography of Gran Canaria island (Canary Islands) for geothermal exploration. Geothermics, (1st Quartile; Geology).

20. Chaminé H. I., Pires A., Fernandes I., Přikryl R., Tuğrul A., Şebnem Düzgün H. and González de Vallejo L. I. (2023). Engineering geosciences, geotechnics and functional geomaterials: new trends on GIS mapping, geotechnologies and design with geohazards. SN Applied Sciences, 5, 43, (2nd Quartile; Engineering).


1. Przeor M., D’Auria L., Pepe S., Tizzani P. and Cabrera-Pérez I. (2022). Elastic interaction between Mauna Loa and Kīlauea evidenced by independent component analysis. Scientific Reports, 12, 19863, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

2. Bonadonna C., Pistolesi M., Biass S., Voloschina M., Romero J., Coppola D., Folch A., D’Auria L., Martín-Lorenzo A., Domínguez L., Pastore C., Reyes Hardy M. P. and Rodríguez F. (2022). Physical Characterization of Long-Lasting Hybrid Eruptions: The 2021 Tajogaite Eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands). Journal Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

3. Caudron C., Aoki Y., Lecocq T., De Plaen R., Soubestre J., Mordret A., Seydoux L. and Terakawa T. (2022). Hidden pressurized fluids prior to the 2014 phreatic eruption at Mt. Ontake. Nature Communications 13, 6145, (1st Quartile; Physics and Astronomy, miscellaneous).

4. Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Padilla G. D., Baldago M. C., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., Asensio-Ramos M., Alonso M., Arcilla C. and Lagmay A. M. (2022). Diffuse CO2 degassing precursors of the January 2020 eruption of Taal volcano, Philippines. Scientific Reports, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

5. Amonte C., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Hernández P. A. and D’Auria L. (2022). Hydrogeochemical temporal variations related to the recent volcanic eruption at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

6. D’Auria L., Koulakov I., Prudencio J., Cabrera-Pérez I., Ibáñez J., Barrancos J., García-Hernández R., Martínez van Dorth, D., Padilla G. D., Przeor M., Ortega V., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2022). Voluminous Storage and Rapid Magma Ascent Beneath La Palma Revealed by Seismic Tomography. Scientific Reports, 12, 17654, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

7. Alberquilla F., Martínez-Frías J., García-Baonza V. and Lunar R. (2022). LZS-1, Lanzarote (Canary Island, Spain) lunar (Apollo 14) basaltic soil simulant. Scientific Reports 12, 16470, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

8. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Melián G. V., Alonso M., Rodríguez F., Asensio-Ramos M. and D’Auria L. (2022). Early precursory changes in the 3He/4He ratio prior to the 2021 Tajogaite eruption at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands. Geophysical Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

9. Hernández W., Dóniz-Páez J. and Pérez N. M. (2022). Urban Geotourism in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. Land, 11, no. 8: 1337, (2nd Quartile; Environmental Studies).

10. Journeau C., Shapiro N. M., Seydoux L., Soubestre J., Koulakov I. Y., Jakovlev A. V., Abkadyrov I., Gordeev E. I., Chebrov D. V., Droznin D. V., Sens-Schönfelder C., Luehr B. G., Tong F., Farge G. and Jaupart C. (2022). Seismic tremor reveals active trans-crustal magmatic system beneath Kamchatka volcanoes. Science Advances, (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

11. Coldwell B. C., Pérez N. M., Cordero Vaca M., Pankhurst M. J., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Asensio-Ramos M., Ribeiro S. and Santos J. F. (2022). Strontium isotope systematics of Tenerife wines (Canary Islands): tracing provenance in ocean island terroir. Beverages, (2nd Quartile; Food Science).

12. Pankhurst M. J., Scarrow J. H., Barbee O. A., Hickey J., Coldwell B. C., Rollinson G. K., Rodríguez-Losada J. A., Martín-Lorenzo A., Rodríguez F., Hernández W., Calvo Fernández D., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2022). Rapid response petrology for the opening eruptive phase of the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands. Volcanica, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

13. Rodríguez-Losada J. A., Eff-Darwich A., Hernández-Gutiérrez L. and Viñas R. (2022). Characterizing regional radon-in-air levels in rocks of the Canary Islands (Spain): new data and results. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, (1st Quartile; Environmental Science, miscellaneous).

14. De Matteo A., Massa B., Castaldo R., D’Auria L., James M. R., Lane S. J., Pepe S. and Tizzani P. (2022). Combined modelling approach analyzing the deformation style of active volcanoes: the Somma-Vesuvius case study. Journal Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

15. Alonso M., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Rodríguez F., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Asensio-Ramos M., Fridrikssond T. and Sumino H. (2022). Thermal energy and diffuse 4He and 3He degassing released in volcanic-geothermal systems. Renewable Energy, 182, 17-31, (1st Quartile; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment).

16. Romero J., Burton M., Cáceres F., Taddeucci J., Civico R., Ricci T., Pankhurst M. J., Hernández P. A., Bonadonna C., Llewellin E. W., Pistolesi M., Polacci M., Solana C., D’Auria L., Arzilli F., Andronico D., Rodríguez F., Asensio-Ramos M., Martín-Lorenzo A., Hayer C., Scarlato P. and Pérez N. M. (2022). The initial phase of the 2021 Cumbre Vieja ridge eruption (Canary Islands): Products and dynamics controlling edifice growth and collapse. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

17. Civico R., Ricci T., Scarlato P., Taddeucci J., Andronico D., Del Bello E., D’Auria L., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2022). High-resolution Digital Surface Model of the 2021 eruption deposit of Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Spain. Scientific Data, 9, 435, (1st Quartile; Information Systems).

18. Cabrera-Pérez I., Centeno R., Soubestre J., D’Auria L., Rivera M. and Machacca R. (2022). Ambient noise tomography of Misti volcano, Peru. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

19. Wadsworth F. B., Llewellin E. W., Farquharson J. I., Gillies J. K., Loisel A., Frey L., Ilyinskaya E., Thordarson T., Tramontano S., Lev E., Pankhurst M. J., Rull A. G., Asensio-Ramos M., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. H., Calvo D., Solana M. C., Kueppers U., Polo Santabárbara A. P (2022). Crowd-sourcing observations of volcanic eruptions during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall and Cumbre Vieja events. Nature Communications, 13, 2611, (1st Quartile; Physics and Astronomy, miscellaneous).

20. Ferrer M. and González de Vallejo L. I. (2022). The instability of the island of La Palma: a long debate based on uncertain hypotheses. Science, 375 (6587), (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

21. Marrero-Rodríguez N. and Dóniz-Páez J. (2022). Coastal Dunes Geomorphosites to Develop the Geotourism in a Volcanic Subtropical Oceanic Island, Tenerife, Spain. Land, 11, no. 3: 426, (2nd Quartile; Environmental Studies).

22. Giudicepietro F., Calvari S., D’Auria L., Di Traglia F., Layer L., Macedonio G. and Esposito A. M. (2022). Changes in the Eruptive Style of Stromboli Volcano before the 2019 Paroxysmal Phase Discovered through SOM Clustering of Seismo-Acoustic Features Compared with Camera Images and GBInSAR Data. Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1287, (1st Quartile; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary).

23. Amonte C., Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Padrón E., Hernández P. A. (2022). Temporal evolution of dissolved gases in groundwater of Tenerife Island. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

24. Caudron C., Soubestre J., Lecocq T., White R. S., Brandsdóttir B. and Krischer L. (2022). Insights into the dynamics of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption using seismic interferometry and network covariance matrix analyses. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

25. Becerra-Ramírez R., Dóniz-Páez J. and González E. (2022). Morphometric Analysis of Scoria Cones to Define the ‘Volcano-Type’ of the Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Region (Central Spain). Land, 11, 917, (2nd Quartile; Environmental Studies)


1. Hernández P. A., Nogami K., Padrón E., Somoza L., Amonte C., Mori T., Melián G. V., Sumino H., Kikawada Y. and Pérez N. M. (2021). Hydrochemical and Hydroacoustic Investigation of the Yugama Acid Crater Lake, KusatsuShirane, Japan. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

2. Pankhurst M. J., Stevenson C. J. and Coldwell B. C. (2021). Meteorites that produce K-feldspar-rich ejecta blankets correspond to mass extinctions. Journal of the Geological Society, (1st Quartile; Geology).

3. Melián G. V., Toulkeridis T., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Somoza L., Padrón E., Amonte C., Alonso M., Asensio-Ramos M. and Cordero M. (2021). Geochemistry of water and gas emissions from Cuicocha and Quilotoa Volcanic Lakes, Ecuador. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

4. Dóniz-Páez J., Becerra-Ramírez R. and Beltrán-Yanes E. (2021). Geomorfositios en el Geoparque Mundial Unesco de El Hierro (Islas Canarias, España) para fomentar el geoturismo en espacios volcánicos. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, 80, 165-186, (3rd Quartile; Geography, Planning and Development).

5. Sandoval-Velasquez A., Rizzo A. L., Aiuppa A., Remigi S., Padrón E., Pérez N. M. and Frezzotti M. L. (2021). Recycled crustal carbon in the depleted mantle source of El Hierro volcano, Canary Islands. Lithos, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

6. Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Asensio-Ramos M., Padrón E., Alonso M., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Sortino F., Sumino H., Rodríguez F., Amonte C., Silva S., Cardoso N. and Pereira J. M. (2021). Insights from fumarole gas geochemistry on the recent volcanic unrest of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

7. Giudicepietro F., Ricciolino P., Bianco B., Caliro S., Cubellis E., D’Auria L., De Cesare W., De Martino P., Esposito A. M., Galluzzo D., Macedonio G., Lo Bascio D., Orazi M., Pappalardo L., Peluso R., Scarpato G., Tramelli A. and Chiodini G. (2021). Campi Flegrei, Vesuvius and Ischia seismicity in the context of the Neapolitan volcanic area. Frontiers in Earth Science, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

8. Soubestre J., Chouet B. and Dawson P. (2021). Sources of Volcanic Tremor Associated With the Summit Caldera Collapse During the 2018 East Rift Eruption of Kılauea Volcano, Hawaii. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

9. García‐Hernández R., D’Auria L., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D. and Pérez N. M. (2021). MUltiscale Temporal and Spatial estimation of the B-value.. Seismological Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

10. Alonso M., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Sumino H., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., Dionis S., Asensio-Ramos M., Amonte C., Silva S. and Pereira J. M. (2021). Changes in the thermal energy and the diffuse 3He and 4He degassing prior to the 2014-2015 eruption of Pico do Fogo volcano, Cape Verde. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

11. Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Padrón E., Sumino H., Pérez N. M., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., Amonte C., Arcilla C. and Mahar Lagmay A. (2021). Geochemical and isotopic evidence of volcanic plumbing system processes from fumarolic gases of Taal volcano, Philippines, prior to the January 2020 eruption. Chemical Geology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

12. Somoza L., Medialdea T., González F. J., Machancoses S., Candón J. A., Cid C., Calado A., Afonso A., Pinto Ribeiro L., Blasco I., Alburquerque M., Asensio-Ramos M., Bettencourt R., Carreira-Silva M., De Ignacio C., López-Pamo E., Ramos B., Rincón-Tomás B., Santofimia E., Souto M., Tojeira I., Viegas C. and Madureira P. (2021). High-Resolution Multibeam Bathymetric Map of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45-46º N: The Moytirra hydrothermal field. Journal of Maps, 17:2, 184-196, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

13. Amonte C., Asensio-Ramos M., Melián G. V., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Rodríguez F., D’Auria L. and López D. (2021). Hydrogeochemical temporal variations related to changes of seismic activity at Tenerife Canary Islands. Bulletin of Volcanology 83, 24, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

14. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., D’Auria L., Rodríguez F., Alonso M., Amonte C., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Calvo D., Coldwell B. C. and Pankhurst M. J. (2021). Changes in diffuse degassing from the summit crater of Teide volcano (Tenerife, Canary Islands) prior to the 2016 Tenerife long-period seismic swarm. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB020318, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

15. Sánchez-Cañadillas E., Carballo J., Padrón E., Hernández-Marrero J. C., Melián G. V., Navarro-Mederos J. F., Pérez N. M. and Arnay-de-la-Rosa M. (2021). Dietary changes across time: studying the indigenous period of La Gomera using δ13C and δ15N stable isotope analysis and radiocarbon dating. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, (1st Quartile; Anthropology).

16. Ledo J., García-Merino M., Larnier H., Ślęzak K., Piña-Varas P., Marcuello A., Queralt P., Pérez N. M., Schmincke H. U. and Sumita M. (2021). 3D electrical resistivity of Gran Canaria island using magnetotelluric data. Geothermics, (1st Quartile; Geology).

17. Couperthwaite F. K., Morgan D. J., Pankhurst M. J., Lee P. D. and Day J. M. D. (2021). Reducing epistemic and model uncertainty in ionic  interdiffusion chronology: A 3D observation and dynamic modelling approach using olivine from Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion. American Mineralogist, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

18. Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Asensio-Ramos M., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J. and D’Auria L. (2021). Exploration of deep-seated geothermal reservoirs in the Canary Islands by means of soil CO2 degassing surveys. Renewable Energy, (1st Quartile; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Environment).


1. Gola G., Barone A., Castaldo R., Chiodini G., D’Auria L., García-Hernández R., Pepe S., Solaro G. and Tizzani P. (2020). A novel multidisciplinary approach for the thermo-rheological study of volcanic areas: the case study of Long Valley caldera. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

2. Cabrera-Pérez I., D’Auria L., Soubestre J., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D. and Pérez N. M. (2020). A non-linear multiscale inversion approach for ambient noise tomography. Geophysical Journal International, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

3. Di Paolo F., Ledo J., Ślęzak K., Martínez van Dorth D., CabreraPérez I. and Pérez N. M. (2020). La Palma island (Spain) geothermal system revealed by 3D magnetotelluric data inversión. Scientific Reports, (1st Quartile; Muldisciplinary).

4. Somoza L., Medialdea T., González F. J., Calado A., Afonso A., Alburquerque M., Asensio-Ramos M., Bettencourt R., Blasco I., Candón J. A., Carreira-Silva M., Cid C., De Ignacio C., López-Pamo E., Machancoses S., Ramos B., Pinto Ribeiro L., Rincón-Tomás B., Santofimia E., Souto M., Tojeira I., Viegas C. and Madureira P. (2020). Multidisciplinary Scientific Cruise to the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Azores Archipelago. Frontiers in Marine Science, (1st Quartile; Oceanography).

5. Socas-Rodríguez B., Herrera-Herrera A. V., Asensio-Ramos M. and Rodríguez-Delgado M. A. (2020). Recent applications of magnetic nanoparticles in food analysis. Processes, 8, 1140, (2nd Quartile; Process Chemistry and Technology).

6. Ramalho E. C., Marrero-Diaz R., Leitão M., Díaz R., Ramada A. and Pinto C. (2020). Alfama Springs, Lisbon, Portugal: Cultural Geoheritage Throughout the Centuries.  Geoheritage 12, 74, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

7. Journeau C., Shapiro N. M., Seydoux L., Soubestre J., Ferrazzini V. and Peltier A. (2020). Detection, classification and location of seismovolcanic signals with multi-component seismic data: example from the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion, France). Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

8. Catalan L., Araiz M., Aranguren P.,  Padilla G. D., Hernández  P. A., Pérez N. M., Noceda C. G., Albert J. F. and Astrain D. (2020). Prospects of Autonomous Volcanic Monitoring Stations: Experimental Investigation on Thermoelectric Generation from Fumaroles. Sensors, 20, 3547, (1st Quartile; Instrumentation).

9. Randazzo A., M. Asensio-Ramos M., Melián G. V., Venturi S., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M. and Tassi F. (2020). Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in solid waste landfill cover soil: Chemical and isotopic composition vs degradation processes. Science of the Total Environment, 726, (1st Quartile; Environmental Chemistry).

10. Esther Beltrán-Yanes Javier Dóniz-Páez and Isabel Esquivel-Sigut (2020). Chinyero Volcanic Landscape Trail (Canary Islands, Spain): A Geotourism Proposal to Identify Natural and Cultural Heritage in Volcanic Areas. Geosciences, 10(11), 453, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

11. Becerra-Ramirez R., Ubaldo-Gosálvez R., Escobar-Lahoz E., González-Cárdenas E., Serrano-Patón M. and Guevara D. (2020). Characterization and geoturist resources of Campo de Calatrava volcanic región (Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha, Spain) to develop a UNESCO Global Geopark Project. Geosciences, 10(11), 441, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

12. Dóniz-Páez J., Beltrán-Yanes E., Becerra-Ramírez R., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A. and Hernández W. (2020). Diversity of Volcanic Geoheritage in the Canary Islands, Spain. Geosciences, 10 (10), 390, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Emanuel Lauro S. E., Soldovieri F., Orosei R., Cicchetti A., Cartacci M., Mattei E., Cosciotti B., Di Paolo F., Noschese R. and Pettinelli E. (2019). Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars – A Probabilistic Inversion Approach. Remote Sensing, 11(20), 2445, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

2. Pepe S., L. De Siena L., Barone A., Castaldo R., D’Auria L., Manzoa M., Casu F., Fedi M., Lanari R., Bianco F. and Tizzani P. (2019). Volcanic structures investigation through SAR and seismic interferometric methods: The 2011-2013 Campi Flegrei unrest episode. Remote Sensing of Environment, 234, (1st Quartile; Geology).

3. D’Auria L., Barrancos J., Padilla  G. D., Pérez N. M., Hernández  P. A., Melián G. V.,   Padrón  E., AsensioRamos M. and GarcíaHernández R. (2019). The 2016 Tenerife (Canary Islands) longperiod seismic swarm. Journal Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

4. Pankhurst M. J., Gueninchault N., Andrews M. and Hill E. (2019). Non-destructive three-dimensional crystallographic orientation analysis of olivine using Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography. Mineralogical Magazine, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Giudicepietro F., Calvari S., Alparone S., Bianco F., Bonaccorso A., Bruno V., Caputo T., Cristaldi A., D’Auria L., De Cesare W., Di Lieto B., M. Esposito A., Gambino S., Inguaggiato S.,  Macedonio G., Martini M., Mattia M., Orazi M., Paonita A., Peluso R., Privitera E.,  Romano P., Giovanni Scarpato G., i A. and Fabio Vita F. (2019). Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Multidisciplinary Monitoring Data to Analyze the Eruptive Activity of Stromboli Volcano in 2017-2018. Remote Sensing, 11(15), 1813 (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

6. Soubestre J., Seydoux L., Shapiro N. M., de Rosny J., Droznin D. V., S. Droznina S. Ya., Senyukov S. L.  and Gordeev E. I. (2019). Depth Migration of Seismovolcanic Tremor Sources Below the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group (Kamchatka) Determined From a Network-Based Analysis. Geophysical Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

7. Wang H., Atwood R. C., Pankhurst M. J., Kashyap Y., Cai B., Zhou T., Lee P. D., Drakopoulos M. and Sawhney K. (2019). High-energy, high-resolution, fyscan X-ray phase tomography. Scientific Reports, 9,  (1st Quartile; Multidisciplinary).

8. Alonso M., Padrón E., Sumino H., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Rodríguez  F., Padilla G. D., García-Merino M., Amonte C. and Pérez N. M. (2019). Heat and Helium-3 Fluxes from Teide Volcano, Canary Islands, Spain. Geofluids, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

9. Lev E., Ruprecht P., Oppenheimer C., Peters N., Patrick M., Hernández P. A., Spampinato L. and Marlow J. (2019). A global synthesis of lava lake dynamics. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 381, 16-31, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

10. Petrillo Z.,  D’Auria L.,  Mangiacapra A.,  Chiodini G.,  Caliro S. and  Scippacercola S. (2019). A Perturbative Approach for Modeling ShortTerm FluidDriven Ground Deformation Episodes on Volcanoes: A Case Study in the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy). Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences).

11. Pérez-Umaña D., Quesada-Román, A., De Jesús Rojas J. C., Zamorano-Orozco J. J., Dóniz-Páez J. and Rafael Becerra-Ramírez (2019). Comparative Analysis of Geomorphosites in Volcanoes of Costa Rica, Mexico and Spain. Geoheritage, 11, 545–559, (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

12. Sabria K., Marrero-Diaz R., Ntarmouchanta A., Bento dos Santos T., Ribeiro M. L., Solá A. R., Smailia H., Benslimanea A., Chibouta M., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Asensio-Ramos M., Carreira P. M. and Jesus A. P. (2019). Geology and hydrogeochemistry of the thermo-mineral waters of the South Rif Thrust (Northern Morocco). Geothermics, 78, 28-49, (1st Quartile; Geology).


1. D’Orazio G., Asensio-Ramos M. and Fanal C. (2018). Enantiomers separation by capillary electrochromatography using polysaccharide-based stationary phases. Journal of Separation Science, 42, 360, (2nd Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

2. Pankhurst M. J., Vo N. T., Butcher A. R., Long H., Wang H., Nonni S., Harvey J., Guðfinnsson G., Fowler R., Atwood R., Walshaw R. and Lee P. D. (2018). Quantitative measurement of olivine composition in three dimensions using helical-scan X-ray micro-tomography. American Mineralogist, 103, 1800–1811, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. García-Hernández R., D’Auria L., Barrancos J. and Padilla G. D. (2018). On the functional expression of frequency magnitude distributions: a comprehensive statistical examination. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

4. Coldwell B. C. and Pankhurst M. J. (2018). Evaluating the influence of meteorite impact events on global potassium feldspar availability to the atmosphere since 600 Ma. Journal of the Geological Society, (1st Quartile; Geology).

5. Carbonari R., Di Maio  R., Piegari  E., D’Auria  L., Esposito A. and Petrillo  Z. (2018). Filtering of noisy magnetotelluric signals by SOM neural networks. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

6. Calvari S., Ganci G., Silva S. V., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Alfama V., Barrancos J., Cabral J., Cardoso N., Dionis S., Fernandes P., Melián G. V., Pereira J. M.,  Semedo H., Padilla G. D. and Rodríguez F. (2018). Satellite and Ground Remote Sensing Techniques to Trace The Hidden Growth of a Lava Flow Field: The 2014-15 Effusive Eruption at Fogo Volcano (Cape Verde). Remote Sensing, 10 (7), 1115, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

7. D’Auria L., Giudicepietro F., Tramelli A., Ricciolino P., Lo Bascio D., Orazi M., Martini M., Peluso R., Scarpato G. and Esposito A. (2018). The seismicity of Ischia island. Seismological Research Letters, 89 (5),  1750-1760, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

8. Wang H., Cai B., Pankhurst M. J., Zhou T., Kashyap Y., Atwood R., Le Gall N., Lee P., Drakopoulosa M. and Sawhney K. (2018). X-ray phase-contrast imaging with engineered porous materials over 50 keV. Journal Synchrotron Radiation, 25, (1st Quartile; Radiation).

9. Pepe S., D’Auria L., Castaldo R., Casu F., De Luca C., De Novellis V., Sansosti E., Solaro G. and Tizzani P. (2018). The Use of Massive Deformation Datasets for the Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Mauna Loa Volcano (Hawai’i). Remote Sensing, 10(6), 968, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

10. Gammaldi S., Amoroso O., D’Auria L. and Zollo A. (2018). High resolution, multi-2D seismic imaging of Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei Caldera, southern Italy) from active seismic data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 357, 177–185, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

11. Pankhurst M. J., Morgan D. J., Thordarson T. and Loughlin S. C. (2018). Magmatic crystal records in time, space and process, causatively linked with volcanic unrest. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,  493, 231–241, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

12. Pankhurst M. J., Fowler R., Courtois L., Nonni S., Zuddas F., Atwood R. C., Davis G. R. and  Lee P. D. (2018). Enabling three-dimensional densitometric measurements using laboratory source X-ray micro-computed tomography. Software X, 7, 115–121, (1st Quartile; Computer Science Aplications).

13. Castaldo R., D’Auria L., Pepe S., Solaro G., De Novellis V. and Tizzani P. (2018). The impact of crustal rheology on natural seismicity: Campi Flegrei caldera case study. Geoscience Frontiers, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

14. Ricco C., Aquino I., Augusti V., D’Auria L., Del Guadio C. and Scarpato G. (2018). Improvement and development of the tiltmetric monitoring networks of Neapolitan volcanoes. Annals of Geophysics, 61, 1, SE114, (3rd Quartile; Geophysics).

15. Hernández P. A., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Asensio-Ramos M., Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Alonso M. and Calvo D. (2018). Reply to comment from Domínguez Cerdeña et al. (2017) on “Geochemical evidences of seismo-volcanic unrests at the NW rift-zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands, inferred from diffuse CO2 emission” by Hernández et al. [Bull. Volcanol. (2017), 79:30]. Bulletin Volcanology, 80: 8, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

16. PiñaVaras P., Ledo J., Queralt P., Marcuello A. and Pérez N. M. (2018). On the detectability of Teide volcano magma chambers (Tenerife, Canary Islands) with magnetotelluric data. Earth, Planets and Space, 70:14, (1st Quartile; Geology).

17. De Matteoa A., Massaa B., Milano G. and D’Auria L. (2018). A transitional volume beneath the Sannio-Irpinia border region (southern Apennines): Different tectonic styles at different depths. Tectonophysics, 723, 14–26, (1st Quartile; Earth-Surface Process).

18. Di Traglia F., Calvari S., D’Auria L., Nolesini T., Bonaccorso A., Fornaciai A., Esposito A., Cristaldi A., Favalli M. and Casagli N (2018). The 2014 Effusive Eruption at Stromboli: New Insights from In Situ and Remote-Sensing Measurements. Remote Sensing, 10, 2035, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

19. Pérez-Umaña D., Quesada-Román A., De Jesús Rojas J. C., Zamorano Orozco J. J., Dóniz-Páez J., Becerra-Ramírez R. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Geomorphosites in Volcanoes of Costa Rica, México and Spain. Geoheritage (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

20. Slezak K., Jozwiak W., Nowozynski K., Orynski S. and Brasse H. (2018). 3D studies of MT data in the Central Polish Basin: Influence of inversion parameters, model space and transfer function selection. Journal of Applied Geophysics, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

21. García-Yeguas A., Sánchez-Alzola A., De Siena L. Prudencio J., Díaz-Moreno A. and Ibáñez J. M. (2018). Scattering images from autocorrelation functions of P-wave seismic velocity images: the case of Tenerife Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Bulletin of Volcanology 80, 24 (2018), (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. D’Orazio G., Fanali C., Asensio-Ramos M., Fanali S. (2017). Chiral separations in food analysis. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 96, 151 – 171, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

2. Amoroso O., Festa G., Bruno P. P., D’Auria L., De Landro G., Di Fiore V., Gammaldi S., Maraio S., Pilz M., Roux P., Russo G., Serlenga V., Serra M., Woith H. and Zollo A. (2017). Integrated tomographic methods for seismic imaging and monitoring of volcanic caldera structures and geothermal areas. Journal of Applied Geophysics, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

3. Chiodini G. Giudicepietro F., Vandemeulebrouck J., Aiuppa A., Caliro S., De Cesare W., Tamburello G., Avino R., Orazi M. and D’Auria L. (2017). Fumarolic tremor and geochemical signals during a volcanic unrest. Geology, (1st Quartile; Geology).

4. Pepe S., Castaldo R., De Novellis V., D’Auria  L., De Luca C., Casu F., Sansosti E. and Tizzani P. (2017). New insights on the 2012-2013 uplift episode at Fernandina Volcano (Galápagos). Geophysical Journal International, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

5. Chiodini G., Selva J., Del Pezzo E., Marsan D., De Siena L., D’Auria L. and Petrillo Z. (2017). Clues on the origin of post-2000 earthquakes at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy). Scientific Reports, 7,  4772, (1st Quartile; Muldisciplinary).

6. García-Yeguas A., Ledo J., Piña-Varas P., Prudencio J., Queralt P., Marcuello A., Ibánez J. M., Benjumea B., Sánchez-Alzola A. and Pérez N. M. (2017). A 3D joint interpretation of magnetotelluric and seismic tomographic models: The case of the volcanic island of Tenerife. Computers & Geosciences, 109, 95-105, (1st Quartile; Computer in Earth Sciences).

7. Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Somoza L., Arpa M. C., Pérez N. M., Bariso E., Sumino H., Padrón E., Varekamp J. C., Albert-Beltran J. and Solidum R. (2017). The acid crater lake of Taal Volcano, Philippines: hydrogeochemical and hydroacoustic data related to the 2010-11 volcanic unrest. Journal of Geologycal Society of London, Special Publications, 437, (1st Quartile; Geology).

8. Miyamoto S., Barrancos J., Bozza C., Consiglio L., De Sio C., Hernández P. A., Nishiyama R., Padilla G. D., Padrón E., Sirignano C., Stellacci S. M., Tanaka H. and Tioukov V. (2017). Muography of 1949 fault in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. Annals of Geophysics, 60, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

9. Paris R., Coello Bravo J. J., Martín González M. E., Kelfoun K. and Nauret F. (2017). Explosive eruption, flank collapse and megatsunami at Tenerife ca. 170 ka. Nature Communications, 8, Article number: 15246 (2017), (1st Quartile; Physics and Astronomy miscellaneous).

10. Hernández P. A., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Asensio-Ramos M., Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Alonso M. and Calvo D. (2017). Geochemical evidences of seismo-volcanic unrests at the NW rift-zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands, inferred from diffuse CO2 emission. Bulletin of Volcanology, 79:30, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

11. Liotta M., Rizzo A. L., Barnes J. D., D’Auria L., Martelli M., Bobrowski N. and Wittmer J. (2017). Chlorine isotope composition of volcanic rocks and gases at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy): Inferences on magmatic degassing prior to 2014 eruption. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 336, 168–178, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Melián G. V., Somoza L., Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Forjaz V. and França Z. (2016). Surface CO2 emission and rising bubble plumes from degassing of crater lakes in São Miguel Island, Azores. Journal of Geologycal Society of London, Special Publications, 437 (1st Quartile; Geology).

2. Hernández P. A., Miyamoto S., Tiukov V., Barrancos J., Sirignano C., Nishiyama R., Tanaka H. and Pérez N. M. (2016). Cosmic muon imaging: a challenging application to investigate deeper volcanic structures in Canary Islands, Spain. Near Surface Geophysics, 14, 391 – 401, (2nd Quartile; Geophysics).

3. D’Orazio G., Asensio-Ramos M., Fanali C., Hernández-Borges J. and Fanali S. (2016). Capillary electrochromatography in food analysis. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 82,  250-267, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

4. Richter N., Favalli M., de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen E., Fornaciai A., Fernandes R. M. D. S., Pérez N. M., Levy J., Victória S. S. and Walter T. R. (2016). Lava flow hazard at Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde, before and after the 2014-2015 eruption. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16, 1925-1951, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

5. Cappello A., Ganci G., Calvari S., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Silva S. V., Cabral J. and Del Negro C. (2016). Lava Flow Hazard Modeling during the 2014-2015 Fogo eruption, Cape Verde. Journal Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 121, 2290–2303, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

6. Giammanco S., Melián G. V.,  Neri M., Hernández P. A., Sortino F., Barrancos J., López M., Pecoraino G. and Pérez N. M. (2016). Hidden tectonic framework, caldera-forming collapses and recent slope-failure at the summit of Mt. Etna (Italy) revealed by soil CO2 and soil temperature surveying. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 311, 79–98, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

7. Fridriksson T., Padrón E., Óskarssona F. and Pérez N. M. (2016). Application of diffuse gas flux measurements and soil gas analysis to geothermal exploration and environmental monitoring: Example from the Reykjanes geothermal field, SW Iceland. Renewable Energy, 86, 1295–1307, (1st Quartile; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Environment).

8. D’Orazio G., Hernández-Borges J., Asensio-Ramos M., Rodríguez-Delgado M. Á. and Fanali S. (2016). Capillary electrochromatography and nano-liquid chromatography coupled to nano-electrospray ionization interface for the separation and identification of estrogenic compounds. Electrophoresis, 37, 356-362, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).


1. Carrillo J., Guerra J. C., Cuevas E. and Barrancos J. (2015). Characterization of the Marine Boundary Layer and the Trade-Wind Inversion over the Sub-tropical North Atlantic. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, (1st Quartile; Atmospheric Science).

2. Marrero-Diaz R., López D., Pérez N. M., Custodio E., Sumino H., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Calvo D., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D. and Sortino F. (2015). Carbon dioxide and helium dissolved gases in groundwater at central Tenerife Island, Canary Islands: chemical and isotopic characterization. Bulletin of Volcanology. (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Harvey M., Rowland. J. V. Chiodini G., Rissmann C. F., Bloomberg S., Hernández P. A., Mazot A., Viveiros M. F. and Werner C (2015). Heat flux from magmatic hydrothermal systems related to availability of fluid recharge. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Carmona E., Almendros J., Sumino H., Kusakabe M. and Wakita H. Geochemical evidences of two different source of seismicity at Deception volcano, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 27(06), 557-565, (2nd Quartile; Geology).

5. Pérez N. M., Somoza L., Hernández P. A., González de Vallejo L. I., León R., Sagiya T., Biain A., González F. J., Medialdea T., Barrancos J., Ibáñez J., Sumino H., Nogami K. and Romero C. (2015). Reply to comment from Blanco et al. on “Evidence from acoustic imaging for submarine volcanic activity in 2012 off the west coast of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) by Pérez et al. [Bull. Volcanol. (2014), 76:882-896]. Bulletin of Volcanology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

6. Marrero-Diaz R., Alcalá F. J., Pérez N. M., López D. L., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Padilla G. D. (2015). Aquifer Recharge Estimation through Atmospheric Chloride Mass Balance at Las Cañadas Caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Water, 7, 2451-2471, (2nd Quartile; Water Science and Technology).

7. Dionis S. M., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Rodríguez F., Padrón E., Sumino H., Barrrancos J., Padilla G. D., Fernandes P., Bandomo Z., Silva S., Pereira J. M., Semedo H. and Cabral J. (2015). Diffuse CO2 degassing and volcanic activity at Cape Verde islands, West Africa. Earth Planets Space, (1st Quartile; Geology).

8. Piña-Varas P., Ledo J., Queralt P., Marcuello A., Bellmunt F., Ogaya X., Pérez N. M. and Rodríguez-Losada J. A. (2015). Vertical collapse origin of Las Cañadas caldera (Tenerife, Canary Islands) revealed by 3D magnetotelluric inversion. Geophysical Research Letters, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

9. Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Piña-Varas P., Dionis S., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A., Marrero R., Ledo J., Bellmunt F., Queralt P., Marcuello A. and Hidalgo R. (2015). Surface geochemical and geophysical studies for geothermal exploration at the Southern Volcanic Rift Zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Geothermics, 55, 195–206, (1st Quartile; Geology).

10. Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Giammanco S., Sortino F., Barrancos J., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., López M., Donovan A., Mori T. and Notsu K. (2015). Contribution of CO2 and H2S emitted to the atmosphere by visible and non-visible degassing from volcanoes: The Etna Volcano case study. Survey in Geophysics, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

11. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Rodríguez F., Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J., Dionis S., Notsu K. and Calvo D. (2015). Dynamics of diffuse carbon dioxide emission from Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands. Bulletin of Volcanology, 77, 1-15, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

12. Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Asensio-Ramos M., Dionis S., López G., Marrero R., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J. and Hidalgo R. (2015). Diffuse helium and hydrogen degassing to reveal hidden geothermal resources in oceanic volcanic islands: The Canarian archipelago case study. Surveys in Geophysics, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

13. Dionis S. M., Melián G. V., Rodríguez F., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Sumino H., Fernández P., Bandomo Z., Silva S., Pereira J. M. and Semedo H. (2015). Diffuse volcanic gas emission and thermal energy release from the summit crater of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde. Bulletin of Volcanology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

14. D’Orazio G., Asensio-Ramos M. Hernández-Borges J. Rodríguez-Delgado M. Á., Fanali S. (2015). Evaluation of the combination of a dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method with micellar electrokinetic chromatography coupled to mass-spectrometry for the determination of estrogenic compounds in milk and yogurt. Electrophoresis 36, 615 – 625, (2nd Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

15. Rodríguez-Losada J. A., Eff-Darwich A., Hernández L. E., Viñas R., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Martínez-Frías J., Romero-Ruiz C., Coello-Bravo J. J. (2015). Petrological and geochemical Highlights in the floating fragments of the October 2011 submarine eruption offshore El Hierro (Canary Islands): Relevance of submarine hydrothermal processes. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 102, 41-49, (2nd Quartile; Geology).

16. Prudencio J., De Siena L., Ibáñez J. M., Del Pezzo E., García-Yeguas A. and Díaz-Moreno A. (2015). The 3D Attenuation Structure of Deception Island (Antarctica). Survey in Geophysics, 36, 371 – 390, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

17. Prudencio J., Ibáñez J. M., Del Pezzo E., Martí J., García-Yeguas A. and De Siena L. (2015). 3D Attenuation Tomography of the Volcanic Island of Tenerife (Canary Islands). Survey in Geophysics, 36, 693–716, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Pérez N. M., Somoza L., Hernández P. A., González de Vallejo L. I., León R., Sagiya T., Biain A., González F. J., Medialdea T., Barrancos J., Ibáñez J., Sumino H., Nogami K. and Romero C. (2014). Evidence from acoustic imaging for submarine volcanic activity in 2012 off the west coast of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain). Bulletin of Volcanology, 76:882, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. García-Yeguas A., Ibáñez J. M., Koulakov I., Jakovlev A., Romero-Ruiz M. C. and Prudencio J. (2014). Seismic tomography model reveals mantle magma sources of recent volcanic activity at El Hierro Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Geophysical Journal International, Volume 199, Issue 3, Pages 1739–1750, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

3. Socas-Rodríguez B., Asensio-Ramos M., Hernández-Borges J. and Rodríguez-Delgado M. A. (2014). Analysis of estrogenic compounds in dairy products by hollow-fibre liquid-phase microextraction coupled to liquid chromatography. Food Chemistry, 149, 319-325, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

4. Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Dionis S., Rodríguez F., Calvo D. and Nolasco D. (2014). Spatial and temporal variations of diffuse CO2 degassing at El Hierro volcanic system: relation to the 2011-2012 submarine eruption. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Machín-Sánchez M., Asensio-Ramos M., Hernández-Borges J. and Gil-Rodríguez M. C. (2014). CE-MS fingerprinting of Laurencia complex algae (Rhodophyta). Journal of Separation Science, 37, 711-716, (2nd Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

6. Hernández P. A., Calvari S., Ramos A., Pérez N. M., Márquez A., Quevedo R., Barrancos J., Padrón E., Padilla G. López D., Rodríguez-Santana A., Melían G. V., Dionis S., Rodríguez F., Calvo D. and Spampinato L. (2014). Magma emission rates from shallow submarine eruptions using thermal airborne imaging. Remote Sensing of Environment, (1st Quartile; Geology).

7. D’Orazio G., Asensio-Ramos M., Hernández-Borges J., Fanali S. and Rodríguez-Delgado M. A. (2014). Estrogenic compounds determination in water samples by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and micellar electrokinetic chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1344, 109-121, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

8. Socas-Rodríguez B., Herrera-Herrera A. V., Asensio-Ramos M. and Hernández-Borges J. (2014). Recent applications of carbon nanotube sorbents in Analytical Chemistry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1357, 110-146, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).

9. Issa I., Ohbaa T., Chako Tchamabé B., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Eneke Takem E. G., Barrancos J., Sighomnoun D., Ooki S., Nkamdjou S., Kusakabe M., Yoshida Y. and Dionis S. (2014). Gas emission from diffuse degassing structures (DDS) of the Cameroon volcanic line (CVL): Implications for the prevention of CO2-related hazards. Journal of Volcanology & Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

10. Socas-Rodríguez B., Hernández-Borges J., Asensio-Ramos M., Herrera-Herrera A. V. and Rodríguez-Delgado M. A. (2014). Determination of estrogens in environmental water samples using 1,3-dipentylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ionic liquid as extraction solvent in dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction. Electrophoresis, 35 – 17, 2479 – 2487, (1st Quartile; Analytical Chemistry).


1. Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Pereda E., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Rodríguez F., Dionis S., Calvo D., Herrera M., Strauch W. and Muñoz A. (2013). Anomalous diffuse CO2 emissions at the Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) related to seismic-volcanic unrest. Pure & Applied Geophysics, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Notsu K., Sohrin R., Wada H., Tsuboi T., Sumino H., Mori T., Tsunogai U., Hernández P. A., Suzuki Y., Ikuta R., Oorui K., Koyama M., Masuda T. and Fujii N. (2013). Leakage of magmatic-hydrothermal volatiles from a crater bottom formed by a submarine eruption in 1989 at Teishi Knoll, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Spampinato L., Ganci G., Hernández P. A., Calvo D., Tedesco D., Pérez N. M., Calvari S., Del Negro C. and Yalire M. M. (2013). Thermal insights into the dynamics of Nyiragongo lava lake from ground and satellite measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 118, 1–14, 1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Arpa M. C., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Reniva P., Padilla G. D., Bariso E., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Nolasco D., Calvo D., Pérez N. M. and Solidum, R. U. (2013). Geochemical evidence of magma intrusion inferred from diffuse CO2 emissions and fumarole plume chemistry: the 2010-2011 volcanic unrest at Taal Volcano, Philippines. Bulletin of Volcanology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Padrón E., Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Calvo D., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Melián G. V., Dionis S. and Rodríguez F. (2013). Soil gas geochemistry in relation to eruptive fissures on Timanfaya volcano, Lanzarote Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 250, 91–99, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

6. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Calvo D., Rodríguez F., Dionis S. and Chiodini G. (2013). An increasing trend of diffuse CO2 emission from Teide volcano (Tenerife, Canary Islands): geochemical evidence of magma degassing episodes. Journal of Geological Society of London, (1st Quartile; Geology).

7. Barrancos J., Briz S., Nolasco D., Melián G. V., Padilla G. D., Padrón E., Fernández I., Pérez N. M. and Hernández P. A. (2013). A new method for estimating greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions from livestock buildings. Atmospheric Environment, 74, 10-17, (1st Quartile; Environmental Science).

8. Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Barrancos J., Pérez N. M., Melián G. V., Nolasco D., Dionis S., Rodríguez F., Calvo D. and Hernández I. (2013). Soil gas radon emissions and volcanic activity at El Hierro (Canary Islands): The 2011-2012 submarine eruption. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosytems, G3, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

9. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Nolasco D., Padilla G. D., Dionis S., Rodríguez F., Hernández I., Calvo D., Peraza M. D. and Nagao K. (2013). Diffusive helium emissions as a precursory sign of volcanic unrest. Geology, (1st Quartile; Geology).

10. Prudencio J., Del Pezzo E., García-Yeguas A. and Ibanez J. M. (2013). Spatial distribution of intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation in active volcanic islands – I: model and the case of Tenerife Island. Geophysical Journal International, 195, 3: 1942-1956, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).


1. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Fridriksson T., Egbert J., Ilyinskaya E., Thorhallsson A., Ivarsson G., Gislason G., Gunnarsson G., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Mori T. and Notsu K. (2012). Diffuse volcanic degassing and thermal energy release from Hengill volcanic system, Iceland. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74, 2435-2448, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Hernández P. A., Padilla G. D., Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Calvo D., Nolasco D., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Dionis S., Rodríguez F. and Sumino H. (2012). Analysis of long- and short-term temporal variations of the diffuse CO2 emission from Timanfaya volcano, Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Applied Geochemistry, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Pérez N. M., Padilla G. D., Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Dionis S., Nolasco D., Rodríguez F., Calvo D. and Hernández I. (2012). Precursory diffuse CO2 and H2S emission signature of the 2011-12 El Hierro submarine eruption, Canary Islands. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Ibáñez J. M., De Angelis S., Díaz-Moreno A., Hernández P. A., Alguacil G., Posadas A. and Pérez N. M. (2012). Insights into the 2011-2012 submarine eruption off the coast of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) from statistical analyses of earthquake activity. Geophysical Journal International, (1st Quartile; Geophysics).

5. Melián G. V., Tassi F., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sortino F., Vaselli O., Padrón E., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Rodríguez F., Dionis S., Calvo D., Notsu K., Sumino H. (2012). A magmatic source for fumaroles and diffuse degassing from the summit crater of Teide volcano (Tenerife, Canary Islands): geochemical evidence for the 2004-05 seismic-volcanic crisis. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74(6), 1465–1483, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

6. Padrón E., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Sumino H., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Nolasco D. and Padilla G. (2012). Helium emission at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands. Chemical Geology, v. 312 – 313, 138 – 147, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

7. Carapezza  M. L., Barberi F., Tarchini L., Ranaldi M., Ricci T., Barrancos J., Fischer C., Lucchetti C., Melian G. V., Pérez N. M., Tuccimei P., Vogel A. and Weber K. (2012). Hazardous gas emissions from the flanks of the quiescent Colli Albani volcano (Rome, Italy). Applied Geochemistry, v. 27, n. 9, 1767 – 1782, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

8. Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Toulkeridis T., Melián G. V., Barrancos J., Virgili G., Sumino H. and Notsu K. (2012). Fumarole/Plume and diffuse CO2 emission from Sierra Negra caldera, Galapagos archipelago. Bulletin of Volcanology, 74 (6), 1509-1519, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

9. Dóniz-Páez J., Romero C. and Sánchez N. (2012). Quantitative size classification of scoria cones: the case of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). Physical Geography. v. 33 (6), p. 514-535 (2nd Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).

10. Seisdedos J., Ferrer M. and González de Vallejo L. I. (2012). Geological and geomechanical models of the pre-landslide volcanic edifice of Güímar and la Orotava mega-landslides (Tenerife). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. v. 239-240, p. 92-110 (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

11. Witter J. B., Hernández P. A., Harris A. J. L. and Pérez N. M. (2012). Quantification of the Mass Flux of H2O Gas (Steam) at Three Active Volcanoes Using Thermal Infrared Imagery. Pure & Applied Geophysics, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Hernández P. A., Mori T., Padrón E., Sumino H. and Pérez N. M. (2011). Carbon dioxide emission from Katanuma volcanic lake, Japan. Earth Planets Space, v. 63, n. 11, 1151-1156, (2nd Quartile; Geology).

2. Ohno M., Sumino H., Hernández P. A., Sato T. and Nagao K. (2011). Helium isotopes in the Izu Peninsula, Japan: Relation of magma and crustal activity. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 199, 118–126, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padilla G. D., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Melían G. V., Padrón E., Dionis S., Calvo D., Rodríguez F., Notsu K., Mori T., Kusakabe M., Arpa M. C., Reniva P. and Ibarra M. (2011). Global CO2 emission from volcanic lakes. Geology, v. 39; no. 3; p. 235–238, (1st Quartile; Geology).

4. Carapezza M. L., Barberi F., Ranaldi M., Ricci T., Tarchini L., Barrancos J., Fischer C., Pérez N. M., Weber K. Di Piazza A. and Gattuso A. (2011). Diffuse CO2 soil degassing and CO2 and H2S concentrations in air and related hazards at Vulcano Island (Aeolian arc, Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 207, 130–144, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Padrón E., Melián G. V., Marrero R., Nolasco D., Barrancos J., Padilla G. D., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2008). Changes on diffuse CO2 emission and relation to seismic activity in and around El Hierro, Canary Islands. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, 95-114 (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Igarashi G., Trujillo I., Sumino H. and Wakita H. (2008). Searching and detecting earthquake geochemical precursors in CO2-rich ground waters from Galicia, Spain. Geochemical Journal, 42, 75-83, (3rd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Padrón E., Hernández P. A., Toulkeridis T., Pérez N. M., Marrero R., Melián G. V., Virgili G. and Notsu K. (2008). Diffuse CO2 emission rate from Pululahua and the lake-filled Cuicocha calderas, Ecuador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Barrancos J., Roselló J. I., Calvo D., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Millán M. M. and Galle B. (2008). SO2 emission from seven active volcanoes measured simultaneously by COSPEC and mini-DOAS. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, 115-133, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology). 

5. Nolasco D., Lima N., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2008). Non-controlled emission of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere from Lazareto landfill, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 15, 1, 51 – 60, (1st Quartile; Pollution).

6. Marrero R., López D. L., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2008). Carbon dioxide discharged through the Las Cañadas aquifer, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, 147-172, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

7. Pérez N. M., Gurrieri S., King C. Y. and Taran Y. (2008). Introduction “Terrestrial Fluids, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: The Hiroshi Wakita Volume III”. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 165, 1-3, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Melián G. V., Marrero R., Padilla G. D., Barrancos J. and Nolasco D. (2007). Precursory subsurface 222Rn and 220Rn degassing signatures of the 2004 seismic crisis at Tenerife, Canary Islands. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2431-2448, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Varekamp J. C., Henriquez B., Hernández A., Barrancos J., Padrón E., Calvo D. and Melián G. V. (2007). Crater lake temperature changes of the 2005 eruption of Santa Ana volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2507-2522, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Olmos R., Barrancos J., Rivera C., Barahona F., López D. L., Henriquez B., Hernández A., Benitez E., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M. and Galle B. (2007). Anomalous emissions of SO2 during the recent eruption of Santa Ana Volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2489-2506, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Melián G. V., Galindo I., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Fernández M., Ramírez C., Mora R. and Alvarado G. E. (2007). Diffuse emission of H2 from Poás volcano, Costa Rica, Central America. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2465-2487, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Pérez N. M. and Hernández P. A. (2007). Comment on the “Recent Unrest at Canary Islands’ Teide Volcano?”. EOS, American Geophysical Union Transactions, 88, 46, ( Quartile; ).

6. Pérez N. M., Gurrieri S., King C. Y. and Taran Y. (2007). Introduction “Terrestrial Fluids, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: The Hiroshi Wakita Volume II”. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 164, 2373-2375, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Hernández P. A., Notsu K., Okada H., Mori T., Sato M. Barahona F. and Pérez N. M. (2006). Diffuse emission of CO2 from Showa-Shinzan, Hokkaido, Japan: a sign of volcanic dome degassing. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163, 869-882, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Padrón E., Cartagena R., Olmos R., Barahona F., Melián G. V., Salazar P. and López D. L. (2006). Anomalous diffuse CO2 emission prior the January 2002 short-term unrest at San Miguel volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163, 883-896, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

3. Pérez N. M., Gurrieri S., King C. Y. and McGee K. (2006). Introduction “Terrestrial Fluids, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: The Hiroshi Wakita Volume I”. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163, 629-631, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Soriano C., Galindo I., Marti J., Wolf J. (2006). Conduit-vent structures and related proximal deposits in the Las Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Bulletin of Volcanology, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Galindo I., Soriano C., Marti J., Pérez N. M. (2005). Graben structure in the Las Canadas edifice (Tenerife, Canary Islands): implication for active diffuse degassing and insights on the caldera formation. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 144 (1-4), 73-78, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Notsu K., Sugiyama K., Hosoe M., Uemura A., Shimoike Y., Tsunomori F., Sumino H., Yamamoto J., Mori T. and Hernández P. A. (2005). Diffuse CO2 efflux from Iwojima volcano, Izu-Ogasawara arc, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 139, 147-161, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Hernández P. A., Soriano T., Lopez K. and Notsu K. (2004). Diffuse CO2 and 222Rn degassing from San Salvador volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Bulletin Geological Society of America, 375, 227 – 236, (1st Quartile; Geology).

2. Salazar J. M. L., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Olmos R., Barahona F., Cartagena R., Soriano T., Lopez K. and Notsu K. (2004). Spatial and temporal variations of diffuse CO2 degassing at Santa Ana-Izalco-Coatepeque volcanic complex, El Salvador, Central America. Bulletin Geological Society of America, 375, 135 – 146, (1st Quartile; Geology).

3. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Ferrel R. and Alvarez C. E. (2004). Soil volatile mercury, boron and ammonia distribution at Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Applied Geochemistry, 19, 819-834, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Reimer M. Notsu K. and Wakita H. (2004). Radon and helium soil gases at Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 131, 59-76, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

5. Cartagena R., Olmos R., López D., Barahona F., Soriano T., Hernández P. A. and Pérez N. M. (2004). Diffuse degassing of carbon dioxide, radon and mercury at San Miguel volcano, El Salvador, Central America. Bulletin Geological Society of America, 375, 203-212,  (1st Quartile; Geology).

6. López D., Ransom L., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Monterrosa J. and Notsu K. (2004). Dynamics of diffuse degassing at Ilopango caldera, El Salvador, Central America. Bulletin Geological Society of America, 375, 191-202,  (1st Quartile; Geology).


1. Hernández P. A., Notsu K., Tsurumi M., Mori T., Ohno M., Shimoike Y., Salazar J. M. L. and Pérez N. M. (2003). Carbon dioxide emissions from soils at Hakkoda, North Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Salazar J. M. L., Pérez N. M., Hernández P. A., Soriano T., Barahona F., Olmos R., Cartagena R., Lopez K., Lima N., Melián G. V., Padrón E., Galindo I., Sumino H. and Notsu K. (2002). Precursory diffuse carbon dioxide degassing signature related to a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in El Salvador, Central America. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 205, 81-89, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Mori T., Hernández P. A., Salazar J. M., Pérez N. M. and Notsu K. (2001). An in-situ method for measuring CO2 flux from hydrothermal fumaroles. Chemical Geology, 177, 85-99, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Hernández P. A., Notsu K., Salazar J. M., Mori T., Natale G., Okada H., Virgili G., Shimoike Y., Sato M. and Pérez N. M. (2001). Carbon Dioxide Degassing by Advective Flow from Usu Volcano, Japan. Science, 292, 83-86, (1st Quartile; Mutidiscipinary).

3. Hernández P. A., Salazar J. M., Shimoike Y., Mori T., Notsu K. and Pérez N. M. (2001). Diffuse emission of CO2 from Miyakejima volcano, Japan. Chemical Geology, 177, 175-185, (1st Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

4. Salazar J. M., Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Melian G. V., Alvarez J. and Notsu K. (2001). Diffuse volcanic emissions of carbon dioxide from Cerro Negro volcano, Nicaragua. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 4275-4278, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Sato M., Notsu K. and Wakita H. (2000). Soil gas CO2, CH4 and H2 distribution in and around Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 103, 425-438, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).

2. Natale G., Hernández P. A., Mori T. and Notsu K. (2000). Pressure gradient measurements in volcanic diffuse gas emanations. Geophysical Research Letters, 27(24), 3985-3987, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Hernández P. A., Pérez N. M., Salazar J. M. L., Notsu K. and Wakita H. (1998). Diffuse emission of carbon dioxide, methane and helium-3 from Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Geohysical Research Letters, 25, 3311-3314, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Pérez N. M., Nakai S., Wakita H., Hernández P. A. and Salazar J. M. L. (1996). Helium-3 emission in and around Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 3531-3534, (1st Quartile; Earth and Planetary Sciences, miscellaneous).


1. Gil J., Álvarez C. E., Martínez M. C., Pérez N. M. (1995). Effect of vanadium on lettuce growth, cationic nutrition and yield. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, A30, 73-87, (2nd Quartile; Environmental Science).


1. Pérez N. M., Wakita H., Nakai S., Sano Y. and Williams S. N. (1994). 3He/4He isotopic ratios in volcanic-hydrothermal discharges from the Canary Islands, Spain: implications on the origin of the volcanic activity. Mineralogical Magazine, 58A, 709-710, (2nd Quartile; Geochemistry and Petrology).


1. Álvarez C. E., Fernández M., Pérez N. M., Iglesias E. and Snelling R. (1992). Effect of fly ash from a fuel oil power station on heavy metal content of wild plants at Tenerife island, The Canarian Archipelago, Spain. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, A28(2), 269-283,  (2nd Quartile; Environmental Science).