Publicaciones en revistas del SCI (SCI publication journals) 2018
- Castaldo R., D’Auria L., Pepe S., Solaro G., De Novellis V. and Tizzani P. (2018) The impact of crustal rheology on natural seismicity: Campi Flegrei caldera case study. Geoscience Frontiers,
- De Matteo A., Massaa B., Milano G. and D’Auria L. (2018). A transitional volume beneath the Sannio-Irpinia border region (southern Apennines): Different tectonic styles at different depths. Tectonophysics, 723, 14–26, DOI:
- Gammaldi S., Amoroso O., D’Auria L. and Zollo A. (2018). High resolution, multi-2D seismic imaging of Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei Caldera, southern Italy) from active seismic data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 357, 177–185
- Hernández P. A., Padilla G., Barrancos J., Melián G., Padrón E., Asensio-Ramos M., Rodríguez F., Pérez N. M., Alonso M. and Calvo D. (2018). Reply to comment from Dominguez Cerdeña et al. (2017) on “Geochemical evidences of seismo-volcanic unrests at the NW rift-zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands, inferred from diffuse CO2 emission” by Hernández et al. [Bull. Volcanol. (2017), 79:30]. Bulletin Volcanology, 80: 8.
- Pankhurst M. J., Morgan D. J., Thordarson T. and Loughlin S. C. (2018). Magmatic crystal records in time, space, and process, causatively linked with volcanic unrest. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 493, 231–241,
- Pankhurst M. J., Fowler R. , Courtois L. , Nonni S. , Zuddas F. , Atwood R. C. , Davis G. R. and Lee P. D. (2018). Enabling three-dimensional densitometric measurements using laboratory source X-ray micro-computed tomography. SoftwareX, 7, 115–121;
- Pepe S., D’Auria L., Castaldo R., Casu F., De Luca C., De Novellis V., Sansosti E., Solaro G. and Tizzani P. (2018). The Use of Massive Deformation Datasets for the Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Mauna Loa Volcano (Hawai’i). Remote Sensinsg 10(6), 968;
- Pérez-Umaña D., Quesada-Román A., De Jesús Rojas J.C., Zamorano Orozco J.J., Dóniz-Páez J., Becerra-Ramírez R. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Geomorphosites in Volcanoes of Costa Rica, México and Spain. Geoheritage
- Piña‑Varas P., Ledo J., Queralt P., Marcuello A. and Perez N. M. (2018). On the detectability of Teide volcano magma chambers (Tenerife, Canary Islands) with magnetotelluric data. Earth, Planets and Space 70:14,
- Ricco C., Aquino I., Augusti V., D’Auria L., Del Guadio C. and Scarpato G. (2018). Improvement and development of the tiltmetric monitoring networks of Neapolitan volcanoes. Annals of Geophysics, 61, 1, SE114; doi: 10.4401/ag-7496
- Wang H., Cai B., Pankhurst M. J., Zhou T., Kashyap Y., Atwood R., Le Gall N., Lee P., Drakopoulosa M. and Sawhney K. (2018). X-ray phase-contrast imaging with engineered porous materials over 50 keV. Journal Synchrotron Radiation, 25,